Twitter, just like Facebook and Google, has been meeting with public officials in the Federal Government. It would be nice to have more information beyond the blurb on the files.
Twitter information in the Lobbying Registry
1. Developments In Free Speech Struggle
There is already a lot of information on the free speech series on the site. Free speech, while an important topic, doesn’t stand on its own, and is typically intertwined with other categories. For background information for this, please visit: Digital Cooperation; the IGF, or Internet Governance Forum; ex-Liberal Candidate Richard Lee; the Digital Charter; big tech collusion in coronavirus; Dominic LeBlanc’s proposal, Facebook and Google lobbying.
2. Twitter Lobbying Communications Reports

12 communications reports in the last few years. That means 12 separate meetings, not necessary 12 people who were lobbied. And this is just what’s on the books. There may be a lot more that wasn’t recorded.
3. Twitter Involved In Public Safety?

On May 19, Twitter representatives met with the Office of the Minister of Public Safety (which is Bill Blair’s Office). Interesting. What is the connection between Twitter, and public safety? Do certain ideas or points of view need to be censored?
4. Rempel & Twitter: Privacy, Access To Info
Michelle Rempel met with Twitter on February 5, under the heading of privacy and access to information. Getting some more specifics would have been nice. Also, isn’t this a little weird, given Rempel’s habit of blocking everyone on Twitter?
5. What Exactly Is Twitter’s Agenda?

Subject Matter Details
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
-Broadcasting and Telecommunications Review with regard to proposals to regulate online content.
-Income Tax Act, with regard to digital tax proposals.
-Intellectual property proposals and legislation with regard to copyright and online content.
-National Data Strategy consultations with regard to innovation, trust and privacy.
-Privacy legislation or proposals such the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) with regard to data collection, safety, and use.
Policies or Program
-Internet advertising policy, specifically the adoption of digital media and advertising by government.
-Working with government agencies to help them understand how to use social media during elections.
It’s quite disturbing to see Twitter meeting with officials over the regulation of online content and social media during elections. A conspiracy theorist might think that these people want to ban or limit certain topics, in order to influence general elections.
6. Michele Austin Now Works For Twitter

Austin spent many years working for various Conservative/Alliance politicians, even in the Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition. From February 2006 to July 2007, Austin was the Chief of Staff in the Industry Minister’s Office. At that time, it was headed by Maxime Bernier, who now “identifies” as a populist. From June 2011 to December 2012, Austin was Chief of Staff of Public Works, Status of Women, Shared Services Canada, Minister’s Office.
The Manning Center refers to the Koch-funded “conservative” think tank headed by former Alliance Leader Preston Manning. It seems that the time in the Official Leader’s Office has paid off.
A longtime political hack is now Twitter’s main lobbyist in Canada (the only one listed who spends 20% or more time lobbying). This is shocking, but not surprising.
7. Other Twitter Lobbyist Information
8. Reminder: O’Toole Was Facebook Lobbyist

From earlier: New Conservative Party of Canada head Erin O’Toole was a lobbyist for Facebook before getting into politics.
Worth noting: His firm, (the now defunct), Heenan Blaikie had both Pierre Trudeau, and Jean Chretien as partners at one time. Heenan Blaikie was also heavily infiltrated by the Desmarais Family.
9. Merger Between Social Media & Politics
Considering the sway that lobbyists hold over politicians, it is rather disturbing to see this happen. Politicians — or political operatives — shouldn’t be lobbying in areas of social media. Similarly, lobbyists for social media companies shouldn’t be getting into politics.
With all of this in mind, it would be nice to have detailed records and accounts of what actually goes on in these meetings. But that’s unlikely to ever happen.