(Apply For Permanent Residence: AIPP)

(Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program)

(Jason Kenney laments continued job losses in AB, even as he plans to expand economic immigration)

(Employers who abuse rules in Temporary Foreign Workers Program and International Mobility Program)

(TFW in Brooks, Alberta)
(Unemployment data from Service Canada, September 2019)

(Unemployment in Maritimes, September 2019)

(Unemployment in Prairies, September 2019)

1. Mass LEGAL Immigration In Canada
Despite what many think, LEGAL immigration into Canada is actually a much larger threat than illegal aliens, given the true scale of the replacement that is happening. What was founded as a European (British) colony is becoming unrecognizable due to forced demographic changes. There are also social, economic, environmental and voting changes to consider. See this Canadian series, and the UN programs for more detail. Politicians, the media, and so-called “experts” have no interest in coming clean on this.
CLICK HERE, for UN Genocide Prevention/Punishment Convention.
CLICK HERE, for Barcelona Declaration & Kalergi Plan.
CLICK HERE, for UN Kalergi Plan (population replacement).
CLICK HERE, for UN replacement efforts since 1974.
CLICK HERE, for tracing steps of UN replacement agenda.
Note: If there are errors in calculating the totals, please speak up. Information is of no use to the public if it isn’t accurate.
2. Important Links
(1) https://srv129.services.gc.ca/eiregions/eng/rates_cur.aspx
(2) http://publications.gc.ca/site/eng/359079/publication.html
(3) https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/atlantic-immigration-pilot.html
(4) https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/work-canada/employers-non-compliant.html
(5) https://canucklaw.ca/remittances-the-hidden-cost-of-economic-immigration/
(6) https://canucklaw.ca/backdoor-replacement-migration-in-canada-more-detail/
(7) https://canucklaw.ca/canadas-current-immigration-intake-about-1m-annually/
(8) http://www.calgaryherald.com/opinion/op-ed/crowley+causes+chronic+unemployment+maritimes/6646539/story.html
(9) https://globalnews.ca/news/4997024/jason-kenney-alberta-rural-immigration/
(10) https://twitter.com/jkenney/status/1098954402843418626
(11) https://www.thestar.com/edmonton/2019/02/25/united-conservatives-pitch-rural-renewal-immigration-strategy-for-alberta.html
(12) https://www.immigration.ca/rural-and-northern-immigration-pilot
(13) https://tnc.news/2019/03/07/gordon-trudeau-government-allows-companies-violating-the-temporary-foreign-workers-program-go-unpunished/
3. Shocking Unemployment Stats
(All from 2019 listings)
7.5% – Newfoundland & Labrador, outside St. John’s
17.9% – Newfoundland & Labrador, outside St. John’s
6.8% – Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown
11.1% – Prince Edward Island, outside Charlottetown
13.8% – Eastern Nova Scotia
7.5% – Western Nova Scotia
5.6% – Nova Scotia, Halifax
6.2% – New Brunswick, Fredericton-Moncton-Saint John
9.1% – New Brunswick, Madawaska-Charlotte
13.4% – New Brunswick, Restigouche-Albert
11.7% – Northern Ontario
35.3% – Northern Manitoba
19.3% – Northern Saskatchewan
11.4% – Northern Alberta
9.7% – Northern British Columbia
12.7% – Northwest Territories
18.2% – Nunavut
One thing to point out: the EI rates only consider people who are on active EI claims. People who have had their benefits lapse are excluded from calculation. So the real numbers may be much higher.
4. Lax EI Rules Cause Unemployment?
My friend said she was willing to work all year long. Once word of this got out, she got calls from employers all over town fighting to hire someone willing to work over the winter.
One year in Petit Rocher, New Brunswick, the fish plant closed for lack of fish; the locals demanded a provincial make-work project until they could get fully stamped up. When the fish plant in the next town offered them work, and a free shuttle bus service to get there, the workers angrily refused — until the province told them if there was work available there would be no make-work.
The Ocean Choice fish plant in Souris, P.E.I., has to bring in temporary workers from as far away as Russia and Ukraine in a province with one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. Immigration Minister Jason Kenney finds this inexplicable. Look no farther than EI for that explanation.
My wife and I owned a restaurant in Halifax and had first-hand experience of the system. People would leave us resumes and then be genuinely puzzled when we phoned to offer them work. We apparently hadn’t understood the blindingly obvious: those resumes were strictly for the benefit of the EI administrators. Don’t try to blow the whistle on these cheats to EI, though; the people who administer it in Atlantic Canada long ago became complicit in the plundering of the system. The claimant is king and the local politicians who have fought for ever richer benefits for their constituents like it just fine that way.
We had applicants who would only agree to be hired if we would promise to lay them off when they had qualified for EI. They liked to do their crafts during the autumn and sell them (under the table for cash) at the Christmas craft fairs. Now you know why there are so many bad crafts in Atlantic Canada: it is your tax dollars at work.
This Calgary Herald article from 2012 suggested quite a different picture. The author believes that the EI rules are gamed in order to provide people an income for working only a few months a year.
It is further claimed that that politicians and administrators are complicit in the scheme as it provides a permanent supply of voters. An end run around welfare and having to work. Interesting article, well worth a read. if any of this is true, then it should merit a much stricter set of regulations, and kicking some people off permanently.
5. Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program
About the pilot
The Atlantic Immigration Pilot is a pathway to permanent residence for skilled foreign workers and international graduates who want to work and live in one of Canada’s 4 Atlantic Provinces:
Let’s get right to the point: this program is a direct pathway to permanent resident status.
Not only one person, but a husband or wife is also eligible for an open work permit. This is yet another pathway to permanent residence.
There are 3 streams:
(a) Atlantic International Graduate Program
(b) Atlantic High-Skilled Program
(c) Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled Program
Of course the obvious question: why is this program even being offered? Don’t people in the Maritimes constantly complain about there being no work available in the region? The unemployment numbers certainly seem to suggest that.
An interesting situation. Universities across Canada want more foreign students as they are needed to pay for their extensive budgets. Graduating from a Canadian college or university means fast-tracking to other visa options. While native Maritimers (allegedly) milk the EI rules to avoid working, those jobs are filled by people seeking easy citizenship.
Great way to replace your population.
6. Rural Alberta Immigration Push
As part of his campaign to become Alberta Premier, Jason Kenney has talked about expanding economic immigration. He said it was necessary to find people to fill jobs that otherwise were being left empty. He proposed an extra 10,000 people a year, much of it to rural Alberta.
However, this is blatantly contradicted by repeated claims made that Alberta has suffered heavy jobs losses, especially due to the losses in the oil sector. Among other factors, the Federal Liberal Government is blamed extensively.
This is the same man, as Federal Immigration Minister, imported Somali Muslims to work in a meat packing plant in Brooks, Alberta. Cheaper labour, but there were some other costs to be considered.
If oil is becoming an occupation for fewer and fewer people, then they would have to find other work, at least for the time being. How does it make sense to be importing large numbers of people to fill a “labour shortage”, when there is no shortage to begin with?
7. Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot
Under the pretense of declining population, the Federal Government is proposing massive immigration to (for now) 11 towns throughout Canada. They include:
- Thunder Bay (ON)
- Sault Ste. Marie (ON)
- Sudbury (ON)
- Timmins (ON)
- North Bay (ON)
- Gretna-Rhineland-Altona-Plum Coulee (MB)
- Brandon (MB), Moose Jaw (SK)
- Claresholm (AB)
- West Kootenay (BC)
- Vernon (BC)
Interestingly, Quebec will be exempt from this program. In fact, Quebec will be getting an overall reduction in immigration.
More migrants for thee.
But less migrants for me.
Other than population replacement, it isn’t clear why these towns were selected. After all, they do have fairly high unemployment.
But to be fair, employers will “always” say they have labour shortages. Having a surplus of workers causes wages to be driven down, as there becomes more demand for the same jobs.
8. Remittances Sent Out Of The Country
This was discussed in a previous article. We are repeatedly told that immigration is good for economic growth. Yet the issue of sending billions of dollars annually is omitted. Whose economies do remittances prop up? Every one except where the money originally came from.
9. Importing People Drives Down Wages
True North covered abuse and manipulation of the “Temporary” Foreign Worker Program. It included hiring people for less than comparable jobs for Canadians would have gone, dodging fees, and not advertising in good faith.
The Trudeau government’s Labour Minister Patricia Hajdu signed off on recommendations allowing eight southwestern Ontario corporations to not face punishment for incorrectly hiring approximately 615 Mexican and Jamaican migrants under the Temporary Foreign Workers Program’s farmworker classification for five years — in contravention of labour regulations
The foreign workers were hired to work in food processing plants, but were paid a farmworker’s wage of $14 an hour, four dollars less than the standard rate in food processing industry.
Hiring under the classification of agricultural workers, the memo says the eight corporations had a “distinct advantage over employers using the low wage stream of the TFW Program” because they didn’t have to pay the $1,000 per position processing fee and were only required to advertise the jobs to Canadians for two weeks instead of the four required for temporary foreign workers strictly working in food processing.
This isn’t about filling empty jobs. It is about importing cheaper labour than would otherwise be available. Instead of putting Canadians to work, and focusing on social cohesion, it becomes a race to the bottom.
10. This Doesn’t Put Canada First
Canadians should be getting first crack at the jobs. It shouldn’t be a competition against subsidized foreign labour. Shipping in more and more people helps employers and businesses, but puts additional pressure on workers. This is especially true if those newcomers are willing to work for less.
Looking at the unemployment rates (Northern Alberta and the Maritimes), it doesn’t seem to be a shortage of people available. That comes from official Service Canada data. Something is seriously wrong if there is both: (a) a huge labour shortage; and (b) high unemployment. It doesn’t add up.
To be fair though, if the allegations against many Maritimers is true, they should be kicked off EI. It was never meant to be abused like this.
This article focused on economic costs, but doesn’t get into the social costs. People go to smaller towns in order to get away from all the forced diversity.