Entering Canada Illegally: February 2017 – September 2022 Source Countries

Now for something that isn’t covered much by mainstream (or alternative) media. Who exactly is coming into Canada illegally, in between official border ports of entry? What are the numbers? Fortunately, the Immigration and Refugee Board has at least some information to share.

As readers will know, the overwhelming majority of people coming illegally are entering through Roxham Road in Quebec. They should be turned away, but aren’t.

Let’s look at some hard numbers:

1 Nigeria 16,834 5,408 7,716 204 2,329 15,657 1,177
2 Haiti 14,621 2,534 5,024 380 827 8,765 5,856
3 Columbia 5,158 2,217 664 62 168 3,111 2,047
4 Turkey 3,451 1,889 48 27 33 1,997 1,454
5 Pakistan 2,859 1,401 775 30 138 2,344 515
6 D.R. Congo 2,540 604 626 38 210 1,478 1,062
7 Sudan 1,825 1,418 130 28 82 1,658 167
8 Angola 1,808 568 524 22 103 1,217 591
9 Yemen 1,353 1,076 55 <20 <20 1,159 194
10 Eritrea 1,274 1,026 <20 <20 117 1,215 59
n/a All Others 21,674 11,199 4,555 456 1,469 17,679 3,996
n/a Total 73,397 29,340 20,177 1,265 5,498 56,280 17,118

ACC = Accepted
REJ = Rejected
ABAN = Abandoned
WD&O = Withdrawn And Other

**The IRB lists some totals as <20, and they claim that this is done for privacy reasons. The logic seems to be that if there were only a few who crossed, it would be easier to identify them.

Over 73,000 people have come illegally since 2017, less than 6 years ago. The above totals are from February 2017 through September 2022. The I.R.B. claims that it didn’t have access to such information prior to this. Nonetheless, it’s a good snapshot at what’s going on.

Isn’t this lovely? The bulk of the people ILLEGALLY entering Canada are from the 3rd World. They’ve already passed on at least one safe country — the United States — one that gets hundreds of thousands of applications per year.

And again, this could be stopped very quickly. However, politicians (of all stripes) actively work against the interests of their own citizens.

(1) https://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/en/statistics/Pages/irregular-border-crossers-countries.aspx
(2) https://archive.vn/hkz3h
(3) Wayback Machine

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