(Former Manitoba Premier Gary Doer replaces former Saskatchewan Premier Roy Romanow on Air Canada Board of Directors)

(Trilateral Commission: Doer and Andre Desmarais have seats)
(Emőke J.E. Szathmáry is on Power Corp B.O.D.)

(Emőke J.E. Szathmáry is a director on: the International Institute for Sustainable Development, the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, the Prime Minister’s Advisory Committee on Science and Technology)
1. Important Links
CLICK HERE, for Part 1: Desmarais, Power Corp, Bombardier & Loblaws.
CLICK HERE, for the Power Corp Board of Directors
CLICK HERE, for Roy Romanow, former Saskatchewan Premier, joining Air Canada Board of Directors in 2010.
CLICK HERE, for the Trilateral Commission, which Gary Doer and Andre Desmarais both sit on.
CLICK HERE, for Air Canada placing Bombardier order.
CLICK HERE, for Bombardier thanking Canadian taxpayers for bailout, by laying off 7,000 of its staff.
CLICK HERE, for 2003 bankruptcy protection for Air Canada.
CLICK HERE, for 2009 Air Canada bailout.
CLICK HERE, for 2013 Air Canada bailout.
CLICK HERE, for the International Institute for Sustainable Development, which wholeheartedly endorses Agenda 2030.
CLICK HERE, for the Trudeau Foundation.
CLICK HERE, for the Trudeau Foundation B.O.D.
2. From Last Time

Pierre Beaudoin is the Chairman of Bombardier. He also sits on the Board of Directors for Power Corp. Explains how Bombardier was able to keep securing bailouts.

Anthony Graham is Vice Chairman, and a director of Whittington Investments, which owns Weston-Loblaws. Could be how Loblaws secured a $12 million subsidy for its new fridges.
3. Power Corp & Air Canada
Roy Romanow, ex-Premier of Saskatchewan, joins the Air Canada Board of Directors in 2010.

In 2018, ex-Manitoba Premier Gary Doer replaced Roy Romanow on Air Canada’s Board of Directors.
And as mentioned earlier, John Rae, brother of ex-Ontario Premier Bob Rae, also works for Power Corp.
3 former NDP Premiers: Roy Romanow (Saskatchewan); Gary Doer (Manitoba); and Bob Rae (Ontario) all have connections to Power Corp and/or Air Canada. Interesting.
Just for good measure, here is former Deputy Prime Minister and former Quebec Premier Jean Charest.
In 2016 Air Canada placed an order for 45 CS-300 airliners, with an option to buy another 30. Quotes from the article:
Air Canada announced Wednesday that it would order 45 CS-300 airliners with an option for another 30 jets.
“We are delighted to announce this important agreement with Bombardier for the purchase of CS-300 aircraft as part of the ongoing modernization of Air Canada’s narrowbody fleet,” Air Canada president and CEO Calin Rovinescu said in a statement.
The 45-plane order is worth as much as $3.7 billion. The option for 30 additional CS-300 aircraft could add as much as $2.5 billion to the deal.
Gary Doer and Pierre Beaudoin sit on the Board of Directors for Power Corp, owned by the Demarais family. Doer sits on the B.O.D. for Air Canada as well, and Beaudoin is the Chairman of Bombardier. Almost like this deal was pre-arranged.
In fairness, this announcement came in 2016, prior to Doer joining Air Canada’s Board of Directors. Still, one has to wonder about all the connections. Doer did just replace Romanow on Air Canada’s B.O.D.
Having people sit on executive boards for multiple companies creates a significant conflict of interest. It also creates an atmosphere where crony capitalism and corruption can thrive. Who loses? Customers and taxpayers.
Like Bombardier, Air Canada has had several bailouts over the years. And all of this costs the public heavily. See the links in Section 1 above for more details.
If only there was some common link between Air Canada, Bombardier, and Loblaws. No, there couldn’t possibly be.
4. Power Corp & Agenda 2030

Emőke J.E. Szathmáry also sits on the Board of Directors for Power Corp. And if we scroll down on her biography, we get some interesting insight on the woman.

She is on a number of other boards. Some open call for acting in support of Agenda 2030, global sustainability.
The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) is an independent think tank championing sustainable solutions to 21st century problems. Our mission is to promote human development and environmental sustainability.
Our big-picture view allows us to address the root causes of some of the greatest challenges facing our planet today—ecological destruction, social exclusion, unfair laws and economic rules, a changing climate. Through research, analysis and knowledge sharing, we identify and champion sustainable solutions that make a difference. We report on international negotiations, conduct rigorous research, and engage citizens, businesses and policy-makers on the shared goal of developing sustainably.
Interestingly, the IISD implies that the leaders of G20 nations know that “climate change” is a hoax. Despite pledges to phase out subsidies to coal energy, they have actually increased.
Geneva, June 25, 2019 – G20 governments have more than doubled the amount of financial support they provide to coal power plants in just three years, despite pledging a decade ago to phase out subsidies to all fossil fuels and help prevent catastrophic climate change.
In a new report, ‘G20 coal subsidies: Tracking government support to a fading industry’, researchers found that despite a historic fall in total investment in coal, the average annual amount G20 governments spent to help build and sustain coal-fired power plants increased from $17 billion to $47 billion between 2014 and 2017.
The links are articles are too numerous to go through here, but they are worth at least skimming. This entire organization is devoted to advancing Agenda 2030.
5. Power Corp & Trudeau Foundation

Edward Johnson is both Vice-Chair of the Board of the Trudeau Foundation, and formerly Vice President and General Counsel for Power Corp.

Oliver Desmarais is Senior Vice President for Power Corp. That is no surprise. But the interesting detail is where he did his articling (apprenticeship) in law. The firm Heenan Blaikie — which went under in 2014 — is the same firm both Jean Chretien and Pierre Trudeau worked at.
Note: Bruce McNiven, who is a Director at the Trudeau Foundation, also worked at Heenan Blaikie.

Megan Leslie, is a former Deputy Opposition leader in the House of Commons (NDP). While being a Director for the Trudeau Foundation, she is also a Senior Consultant on Oceans Governance for WWF-Canada. This is the same organization Gerald Butts works for.
Bessma Momani is another Director of the Trudeau Foundation. She covers Arab-Canadians and “trans-nationalism” issues. Didn’t Justin refer to Canada as a “post-national state”?

Marc Renaud is yet another Trudeau Foundation Director with a very interesting side gig. He has served as an advisor for UNESCO, the OECD, the European Union. The EU wants to stamp out individual nations in Europe, and UNESCO is the UN Global Citizens nonsense, which pushes the gender agenda.
Worth a mention Alexandre Trudeau, Justin’s jihad sympathizing brother, is named as a founding member.
One more who needs a shoutout is ex-Saskatchewan Premier Roy Romanow. Yes that same Roy Romanow who was a director for Air Canada. Likewise, former Governor David Johnson sits as a Director. Those pages have been deleted, but like all things, nothing is really deleted. See here, and see here.
The Trudeau Foundation cites 4 important areas:
- human rights and dignity,
- responsible citizenship,
- Canada and the world, and
- people and their natural environment
So, What Does Trudeau Foundation Do?
The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation supports research and engagement in the humanities and social sciences, and fosters a fruitful dialogue between scholars and decision makers in the arts community, business, government, and civil society organizations. The Foundation:
Encourages emerging talent by awarding scholarships to the most talented doctoral students in Canada and abroad;
Entrusts fellows and mentors distinguished for their knowledge and wisdom with the mission to build an intellectual community to support the work of the scholars; and
Creates and maintains an international network of fellows, scholars, and mentors
If you wish to subscribe to the newsletter, you can.
6. Power Corp & Its Tentacles
The Desmarais family and Power Corporation of Canada are undoubtedly connected to many powerful politicians in Canada. Here, just to name a few:
- Pierre Trudeau
- Brian Mulroney
- Jean Chretien
- Paul Martin
- Justin Trudeau
- Maxime Bernier
- Peter MacKay
- Roy Romanow
- Gary Doer
- Bob Rae/John Rae
- Jean Charest
- Denis Coderre
- Pauline Marois
- Megan Leslie
To name a few companies they influence:
- Bombardier
- Weston-Loblaws
- Montreal Economic Institute
- Canada Steamship lines
- Air Canada
- Int’l Institute for Sustainable Development
- Trudeau Foundation
It really is an illusion, that Canadians have choice in their politics. Across the spectrum, all parties seem to connected to the same people.
Some questions that need to be asked:
(a) Would Bombardier be getting bailouts if not for Chairman Pierre Beaudoin also being on Power Corp’s Board of directors?
(b) Would Weston-Loblaws have gotten their $12 million bailout if not for Vice-Chairman Anthony Graham also being on Power Corp’s B.O.D?
(c) Would Air Canada have gotten bailouts if not for having former Premiers as Directors?
Corruption all around.