Desmarais, Power Corp, Canada’s Globalist Politicians, Bombardier & Loblaws

(Video by Q Point Assembly on Desmarais & Maurice Strong)

(Rebel Media covers the Demarais connections, including former Ontario Premier Bob Rae’s brother, John, who is employed by PowerCorp).

(Rebel media on Demarais Family connections to Canadian politicians)

(PowerCorp and John Rae, brother of Bob Rae)

(Paul Desmarais Sr. and Brian Mulroney)

(Pierre Beaudoin, Bombardier Chairman, sits on Power Corp BOD)

(Anthony Graham, is Vice-Chairman of Whittingham Investments Ltd, which happens to own the Weston-Loblaw Group. Graham also sits on Power Corp Board of Directors)

(Hélène Desmarais, Chair-Woman of Montreal Economic Institute)

1. Important Links

CLICK HERE, for Globe & Mail article on the Desmarais family, 2004.
CLICK HERE, to search Elections Canada donors.

CLICK HERE, for the Trilateral Commission.
CLICK HERE, for Abeldanger blog, citing Desmarais tentacles in Canadian politics.
CLICK HERE, for memorial on Paul Desmarais Sr.
CLICK HERE, for Andre Desmarais, Jean Chretien’s son-in-law.
CLICK HERE, for Canada Steamship lines.
CLICK HERE, for a biography on Paul Martin.
CLICK HERE, for the oil-for-food-scandal
CLICK HERE, for a Maclean’s article on Desmarais from 2006
CLICK HERE, for a Financial Post article on the politicians who attended Paul Desmarais Sr.’s funeral.
CLICK HERE, for Gary Doer, former Manitoba Premier (NDP), who sits on PowerCorps Board of Directors

CLICK HERE, for Pierre Beaudoin, Bombardier Chairman, who also sits on PowerCorp’s Board of Directors.
CLICK HERE, for Bombardier bailout, and Pierre Beaudoin’s bonuses.
CLICK HERE, for Andrew Coyne estimates Bombardier received $3.7B.
CLICK HERE, for Fraser Institute claims Bombardier has been bailed out 48 times by Industry Canada, going back to 1966.

CLICK HERE, for Loblaws receiving $12M bailout from taxpayers to buy energy-efficient fridges.
CLICK HERE, for an article on fridge subsidies and vote buying.

CLICK HERE, for biography on Paul Desmarais Jr., son of the legend.
CLICK HERE, for Hélène Desmarais, wife of Paul Jr.
CLICK HERE, for Maxime Bernier’s profile.
CLICK HERE, for the Montreal Economic Institute.

2. Desmarais And Trilateral Commission

Linda Koch Lorimer and Andre Desmarais both sit on the Trilateral Commission, which promotes global trade in:
(a) The Americas
(b) Europe
(c) Asia-Pacific Rim

Among the other members on the Trilateral Commission:

  • Rona Ambrose – MP, former Conservative Party leader
  • Jean Charest – former Quebec Premier
  • Raymond Chretien – nephew of Ex-PM Jean Chretien
  • Gary Doer – former Manitoba Premier
  • Bill Graham – former Foreign Affairs Minister
  • Peter Harder – member of Senate
  • Colin Kenney – member of Senate
  • Stephanie Kusie – Member of Parliament
  • Hélène Laverdière – Member of Parliament
  • Andrew Leslie – Member of Parliament
  • John Manley – former Deputy PM
  • Carole Taylor – former BC Minister of Finance
  • Yuen Pau Woo – Member of Parliament

Note: Scott Brison is a former member.

3. Power Corp’s Board Of Directors

Seethis link to verify.

  • Pierre Beaudoin, Bombardier Chairman
  • Marcel R. Coutu, Syncrude President
  • André Desmarais, son-in-law of ex-PM Chretien
  • Paul Desmarais, Jr., André’s brother
  • Gary A. Doer, ex-Manitoba Premier
  • Anthony R. Graham, director of Wittington Investments, Ltd. principal holding company of the Weston-Loblaw Group.
  • J. David A. Jackson, Great-West Life
  • Isabelle Marcoux, Board of Transcontinental Inc.
  • Christian Noyer, General Council of European Bank, Governor Banque du France
  • R. Jeffrey Orr, BMO, Life Insurance Companies
  • T. Timothy Ryan, Jr., JP Morgan & Chase
  • EmÅ‘ke J.E. Szathmáry, the International Institute for Sustainable Development, the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, the Prime Minister’s Advisory Committee on Science and Technology,

4. Power Corp & Bombardier Bailouts

Remember: Pierre Beaudoin, Bombardier Chairman, sits on Power Corp Board of Directors.

Fun Facts

  • $1B in 2016.
  • $372M in February 2017. (See source.)
  • Regarding the 2017 Bailout, read this:

    Total compensation for the Montreal-based manufacturer’s top five executives and board chairman Pierre Beaudoin was US$32.6 million in 2016, up from US$21.9 million the year before, according to a proxy circular ahead of Bombardier’s annual meeting on May 11.
    CEO Alain Bellemare received US$9.5 million, up from US$6.4 million in 2015, including US$5.2 million in share and option-based awards and a US$1 million salary. His annual bonus almost doubled to US$2.36 million.
    Beaudoin’s total compensation increased to US$5.25 million from US$3.85 million a year earlier.

    That’s right, Bombardier gets bailed out by taxpayers. And Pierre Beaudoin, Bombardier’s Chairman, is also on the Board of Directors for Power Corp, with all its ties to politicians. No corruption here.

    From the Fraser Institute:

    Bombardier Inc., which recently announced it would lay off 1,700 people, has been one chronic seeker and a regular recipient of such taxpayer assistance. The Montreal-based aerospace company is thus a useful example of corporate welfare in action, the tax dollars at stake, and the regular, inflated claims about the beneficial effects of such subsidies.
    Bombardier’s corporate welfare began, at least federally, in 1966 when it received its first disbursement of $35 million from the federal department, Industry Canada. In the decades since, various Bombardier iterations received over $1.1 billion (all figures adjusted for inflation) in 48 separate disbursements from just Industry Canada. That includes two 2009 cheques worth $233 million.

    Let’s connect the dots:

    1. The Desmarais family owns Power Corp.
    2. Andre Desmarais is on the Board of Directors.
    3. Andre Desmarais is son-in-law of ex-PM Jean Chretien.
    4. “Many” Canadian politicians connected to Power Corp.
    5. Pierre Beaudoin is also on Power Corp B.O.D.
    6. Pierre Beaudoin doubles as Bombardier Chairman.
    7. Pierre Beaudoin in in position to have Canadian Government bail out Bombardier whenever needed. He also increases his own bonuses.
    8. Bombardier is repeatedly bailed out.
    9. Beaudoin is able to cash in from these bailouts.

    5. Power Corp & Loblaws Bailout

    Remember: Anthony Graham is Vice-Chairman of Whittington Investments, which owns Loblaws. He also is on Power Corp’s Board of Directors.

    This one is straightforward to connect.

    1. The Desmarais family owns Power Corp.
    2. Andre Desmarais is on the Board of Directors.
    3. Andre Desmarais is son-in-law of ex-PM Jean Chretien.
    4. “Many” Canadian politicians connected to Power Corp.
    5. Anthony Graham is also on Power Corp B.O.D.
    6. Anthony Graham doubles as Vice-Chairman of Whittington Investments, which owns Loblaws.
    7. Anthony Graham is in position to have Canadian Government bail out Loblaws.
    8. Unclear how much Graham’s bonus will be.

    6. Desmarais And Brian Mulroney

    Mulroney said he felt confident that Desmarais died knowing he had led a productive life and made a remarkable contribution to his country.
    “He was a close and intimate friend of mine for 48 years,” Mulroney said. “I feel very sad, but I feel very happy for a life really well lived. Paul’s life was unconventional because it really was a love story: for his wife, his kids and his country. So, he’s happy. He knows he had a good life and a productive life.”

    From the (CBC article), Paul Desmarais Sr. and Brian Mulroney have been close friends for decades.

    7. Desmarais And Jean Chretien

    André Desmarais is currently Deputy Chairman, President and Co-Chief Executive Officer of the company his father took control of in 1968, Power Corporation, based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He is also Executive Co-Chairman of Power Financial. Power Corporation is a diversified international management and holding company, which has holdings in leading financial services, renewable energy, communications and other business sectors.
    He married France Chrétien Desmarais, the daughter of former Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chrétien, on May 23, 1981. They have four children.
    In August 2016, The Wall Street Journal mentions that André Desmarais and his brother Paul Jr. “are readying their 34-year-old sons (Olivier Desmarais and Paul Desmarais III) to take over Power Corp

    Jean Chretien is connected to Desmarais by way of marriage. His daughter, France, married Andre Desmarais, son of Paul Desmarais Sr. They have 4 children together.

    8. Desmarais And Paul Martin

    Martin began his career as a special assistant to Paul Desmarais, a friend of his father’s and a man often referred to as Canada’s wealthiest citizen. Desmarais was the force behind the creation of the Power Corporation, an immense conglomerate with stakes in the pulp and paper industry, the media, public transport, and insurance services. By 1969 Martin had risen to a vice presidency at the Montreal–based giant, and four years later Desmarais put him in charge of one of its subsidiaries, Canada Steamship Lines Ltd. (CSL). Martin worked to improve the flagging finances of the shipping company, and in 1981 he and a business partner bought CSL for $116 million. They had to borrow the funds for the purchase, and interest rates were above 20 percent at the time. On the day that Martin signed the loan papers, a well–known Wall Street analyst predicted that rates might rise as high as 30 percent. “I gambled everything that interest rates had reached their peak,” Martin recalled in an interview with Anthony Wilson–Smith in Maclean’s. “If they had continued to rise, I was cooked.”

    Paul Martin was an employee of the Desmarais family for many years in Canada Steamship Lines (CSL). Martin eventually bought out the company.

    9. Desmarais’ Influence At His Death

    MONTREAL — Tributes poured in for the late Paul Desmarais on Tuesday in a commemorative ceremony that featured a veritable who’s who of politicians and businessmen past and present.
    Four Canadian prime ministers, a former French president and five Quebec premiers were among those who attended the tribute to the late business tycoon at the Notre-Dame Basilica.
    Prime Minister Stephen Harper remembered Desmarais as a humble and generous man who was passionate about Canada.

    From the Financial Post article:
    Tuesday’s crowd also included Quebec Premier Pauline Marois and predecessors Daniel Johnson, Lucien Bouchard, Bernard Landry and Jean Charest.
    Also present were ex-media mogul Conrad Black, former Bombardier president Laurent Beaudoin, ex-Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe, former federal Liberal leader Bob Rae and his successor, Justin Trudeau.
    The Ontario-born businessman remained a staunch Canadian federalist after he moved to Quebec, where he became one of the country’s wealthiest and most powerful figures.

    Desmarais had incredible influence in both Federal and Provincial politics. Several Premiers and Prime Ministers all had direct connections to him. He even had ties to politicians in France.

    10. Desmarais and Montreal Economic Institute

    An interesting bit of information worth mentioning. There is yet another connection to Desmarais.

    Paul Desmarais Sr. had 2 sons: Andre and Paul Jr. Andre married France Chretien, daughter of former Prime Minister Jean Chretien. Paul Jr. is married too. His wife, Hélène Desmarais, is the Chair-Woman at the Montreal Economic Institute, a think-tank promoting liberalized economic policies.

    MEI had a new Executive Vice-President in 2005. His name: Maxime Bernier.

    In 2006, Bernier left to get into politics. He is now a 4 term MP, and 3 time Cabinet Minister. He now heads his own “populist” party, promoting MEI style economic liberalism.

    Mr. Bernier has a long-standing interest in business and during his career worked for several financial and banking institutions before becoming Executive Vice-President of the Montreal Economic Institute in 2005.

    11. Desmarais, Power Corp, Bombardier & Loblaws

    Although this article could have been much, MUCH longer, it will stop here. Hopefully, there will be a followup. This doesn’t come close to covering everything.

    But to summarize, many of Canada’s most powerful politicians are directly connected to the Desmarais family, and to Power Corporation. It is hard to overstate the influence the family has had in Canadian politics. These politicians, while from different parties, all cooperate in the same corporate, globalist agenda.

    And while difficult to prove, it looks almost certain that corruption played a role in Canadian taxpayers having to bailout 2 companies: Bombardier and Loblaws.

    7 Replies to “Desmarais, Power Corp, Canada’s Globalist Politicians, Bombardier & Loblaws”

    1. Hello my friend! I want to say that this article is awesome, nice written and include approximately all important infos. I would like to see more posts like this.

    2. Thank you i love your website !!!!
      In Quebec we have Dominique Anglade , member of the liberal party and the leader of the “opposition” , who also sits at the world economic forum as Minister of Economy, Science, Innovation and Digital Strategy for Québec -__-

    3. The Canada-China Business Council is Chaired by Olivier Desmarais, Senior Vice-President, Power Corporation and Power Financial.

      The Council was established in 1994 by Sun-Life Financial, SNC-Lavalin, Power Corporation, Manulife Financial, Export Development Bank of Canada, China International Trust, Bombardier, BMO Financial, Barrick Gold.

      Have a drink for every former Liberal Cabinet member on its Board of Directors….

    4. The Canada-China Business Council was established in 1994 with ten founding partners…

      Barrick Gold, BMO Financial, Bombardier, China International Trust, Export Development Bank, Manulife Financial, Power Corporation, SNC-Lavalin, and Sun Life Financial.

      The Board Chair is Olivier Desmarais, Senior Vice-President, Power Corporation and Power Financial.

      Have a drink for every former Liberal Cabinet Minister you find on it’s Board of Directors….

    5. Much of the known information on Power Corporation and its pet politicians was released by Diane Francis a couple of decades ago, but she’s also in Power Corp’s pocket.

      However, a less-known important globalist link of Power Corp is the Rhodes Trust and its infamous scholarships:

      For many years, Power Corporation has hosted scholarship committees at its business premises, and to this day, Power Corp is in it up to their ears with Mr Richard Pan ( as currently the “National Secretary for Canada” for the Rhodes Scholarships.

      Richard Pan’s day jobs is as Vice-President, Head of Corporate Finance at Power Corp:

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