The Canadian Immunization Research Network is a group that receives substantial funding from drug companies, as well as Canadian taxpayers. Part of their mandate is evaluating vaccine effectiveness. Now, here’s where things start to get interesting.
Our Focus
CIRN’s goals remain consistent with that of PCIRN, however, the network will not be limited to influenza research alone. Rather, CIRN will cover a broader scope of research pertaining to all areas of vaccine, immunization, and infectious diseases. The network will strive to achieve the following goals:
(1) Continue to perform vaccine research to inform health policy in Canada.
(2) Maintain an active research network capable of immediate response to infectious disease threats in Canada.
(3) Further develop collaborations between Canadian vaccine experts.
(4) Train the next generation of pandemic vaccine researchers.
(5) Perform applied public health research and vaccine evaluations of high priority for Canadian health decision makers.
In their “focus section“, the CIRN mentions that evaulating vaccines of high priority for Canadian decision makers is something they do. So, are these the people who ensured these experimental “vaccines” got interim authorization.
Also, considering that Pfizer/BioNtech is one of the products that got the emergency authorization, isn’t this a conflict of interest? After all, Pfizer is one of the major donors.

According to their financial statements, almost $24 million of the $59 million that the CIRN has received since 2009 has come from industry sources. Considering that Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi are listed as partners, the bulk of it probably was from them.

Pfizer has been lobbying Ottawa for years to get its products distributed here. One of its officials, Steven Hogue, worked in the Prime Minister’s Office back when Jean Chretien was in charge.

GlaxoSmithKline is another one that’s busy in Ottawa. Lobbyists for the company have ties to both the Liberal and Conservative Parties of Canada. In fact, Amber Ruddy, the Secretary of the National Council of the CPC, used to be a GSK lobbyist. Sanofi is involved in this as well.
This should be red flag for people. Pharmaceutical companies, involved in lobbying Ottawa and trying to sell products, are also financing the “independent” group that evaluates their effectiveness.

CIRN conducts a variety of research studies throughout the year, and many of these studies are multi-year projects. Often there are opportunities for members of the public to participate in studies in their local area; the Research Studies descriptions provide an overview of the study and indicate whether the study is active and recruiting.
Each research study funded by the CIRN Network will address one or more of the 5 following research area priorities:
(1) Rapid evaluation of candidate vaccines for safety and immunogenicity in persons of all ages;
(2) Population based methods to evaluate vaccine effectiveness and safety following release for general use;
(3) Vaccine hesitancy and evaluation of strategies to address hesitancy;
(4) Vaccine coverage, including isolated communities and cohorts of concern; and
(5) Adverse events following immunization.
CIRN funds research into a variety of subtopics, including vaccine hesitancy. This refers to the normal reluctance to put strange medications into one’s body. They are also involved in trying to convince pregnant women to take it. Research has also been done into proper messaging for Public Health Officials, as in, what lines or scripts are most effective. Another was using the internet to explain to why large portions of the public may be reluctant to take this.
Considering the amount of money CIRN gets from drug companies, there is an obvious dual loyalty presented here.
It’s not a stretch to call these “vaccine hesitancy” projects a form of marketing. Pfizer, GSK and Sanofi are studying their target markets, to see what techniques work.
CIRN has also received a number of grants from PHAC and the CIHR. Some of that is listed below.
(1) https://cirnetwork.ca/
(2) https://cirnetwork.ca/about-us/partners/
(3) https://cirnetwork.ca/about-us/our-focus/
(4) https://cirnetwork.ca/about-us/annual-reports/
(5) https://cirnetwork.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/CIRN-annual-report-2019-jan4.pdf
(6) Canadian Immunization Research Network Annual Report 2019
(7) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/vwRg?cno=15283®Id=913259
(8) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/vwRg?cno=368839®Id=909846
(9) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/vwRg?cno=357090®Id=889408
(10) https://cirnetwork.ca/research-studies/
(11) https://cirnetwork.ca/research-study/vaccine-hesitancy-during-pregnancy-why-are-maternity-care-providers-hesitant/
(12) https://cirnetwork.ca/research-study/developing-and-evaluating-public-health-messages-to-address-vaccine-hesitancy/
(13) https://cirnetwork.ca/research-study/monitoring-and-explaining-vaccine-refusal-using-the-internet-and-social-media/
(14) https://webapps.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/decisions/p/project_details.html?applId=403974&lang=en
(15) https://webapps.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/decisions/p/project_details.html?applId=182161&lang=en
(16) https://webapps.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/decisions/p/project_details.html?applId=259644&lang=en
(17) https://webapps.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/decisions/p/project_details.html?applId=317796&lang=en
(18) https://webapps.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/decisions/p/project_details.html?applId=302856&lang=en
(19) https://webapps.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/decisions/p/project_details.html?applId=311230&lang=en
(20) https://webapps.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/decisions/p/project_details.html?applId=349359&lang=en
(21) https://webapps.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/decisions/p/project_details.html?applId=365027&lang=en
(22) https://webapps.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/decisions/p/project_details.html?applId=433192&lang=en
(23) https://webapps.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/decisions/p/project_details.html?applId=424459&lang=en
(24) https://webapps.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/decisions/p/project_details.html?applId=185282&lang=en
(25) https://webapps.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/decisions/p/project_details.html?applId=258199&lang=en