Many would think that the Society Of Obstetricians And Gynaecologists of Canada is an independent organization, and that it has the best interests of women and families at heart. That may not be the case, as shown by some of their recommendations.
It’s fitting that on their home page, they have a computer simulation of the coronavirus. Quite appropriate, since it’s never been isolated, or even shown to exist. Now, what does this group have to say about vaccinating pregnant women?
In Canada, NACI has preferentially advised that “a complete vaccine series with an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine should be offered to individuals in the authorized age group who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Informed consent should include discussion about emerging evidence on the safety of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in these populations. (Strong NACI Recommendation). Contraindications to vaccination are few and a complete description is available within the National Advisory Committee on Immunization guidance document.
Given that pregnant women are at higher risk of severe COVID-related morbidity and mortality, they represent a population that should be prioritized for vaccination in situations where vaccine supply is limited. Specifically, the WHO has recommended that pregnant women be prioritized in stage II, representing a situation where the supply is only sufficient to immunize 11-20% of a population. Importantly, the WHO recommendation is upheld in all epidemiologic situations including community transmission, sporadic cases as well as no cases.
Individuals who are discovered to be pregnant during their vaccine series or shortly afterward should not be counselled to terminate pregnancy based on having received the vaccine. If conception is presumed to predate the first dose, it is recommended to follow the same procedures for active surveillance (as available) as would be activated if the pregnancy was known at the time of vaccination. A registry to track pregnancy outcomes for individuals receiving any vaccine doses during pregnancy is being planned for Canada. Pregnant individuals can get more information here: http://med-fom-ridprogram.sites.olt.ubc.ca/vaccine-surveillance/.
Pregnant women mount immune responses comparable to the non-pregnant population and vaccine efficacy of the COVID vaccines among cohorts of pregnant women are comparable to non-pregnant women. There is no data to suggest that pregnant women who meet criteria for a booster dose should be treated differently than the non-pregnant population. While timing and criteria for booster doses may vary by jurisdiction, pregnant women should receive a booster dose when recommended.
A registry to track the effects of vaccines on pregnant women is being planned? That’s certainly good to know. These recommendations to take experimental concoctions are pretty shocking, or at least they should be.

Now, why is this group so pro-vaccine, even when the long term effects are unknown? One strong possibility is that they are funded by Pfizer, Merck and Bayer. Shocker, that the major donors to this organization would profit considerably from more people getting the shot. It seems that SOGC is quite appreciative of their partners.
SOGC also provides a set of talking points for health care workers to give to uncertain patients. It’s no surprise that a group funded by drug companies recommends to these “professionals” that everything is safe and effective.
Back in April 2020, SOGC repeated from WHO that abortion is a human right, and that it must not be denied. Pretty screwy to be starting a global pandemic, and the first thought is to wipe out the next generation. The World Health Organization seems to have a sick fascination with what they consider to be human rights.

In principle, there is nothing wrong with continuing education, especially in professions like health care. After all, information does change. That being said, it’s disturbing when the CME — or continuing medical education — is funded by drug companies, at least in Ontario.
As Searchlight Pharma, which is a sponsor of the CME program, they are a company with holdings in many related products for women. Duchesnay also sells many of the same things. It’s fair to assume that this “continuing education” will be little more than a trade show, where doctors get told about what products to push.
As for MD Financial Management, that arose after the CMA’s — Canadian Medical Association’s — push to get doctors saving and investing. It’s no surprise that the pharma industry is a good one to invest in.
To anyone thinking that you are getting (at least somewhat) independent and impartial advice, keep this in mind. The pharmaceutical industry has vested interests in making sure you’re talking to experts with an agenda.

Finally, it’s worth a mention that this group is getting the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, run by the Canada Revenue Agency. This means that taxpayers are forced to help subsidize a group that’s pushing vaccines on pregnant women. Of course, this is in addition to the funding it gets from drug companies.
Certainly makes one proud to pay taxes, knowing that these are the places that they end up going to. In essence, we are topping up a drug marketing company that wants to kill our children. Anyone who still has faith in politicians or government at this point is completely delusional.
(1) https://www.sogc.org/common/Uploaded%20files/Latest%20News/SOGC_Statement_COVID-19_Vaccination_in_Pregnancy.pdf
(2) SOGC_Statement_COVID-19_Vaccination_in_Pregnancy
(3) https://www.sogc.org/en/-COVID-19/COVID-19/COVID-19-Champions/en/content/COVID-19/covid-champions.aspx?hkey=1d24c3f0-be85-48f3-bc0a-a006c53b98a2
(4) https://archive.md/lGQpy
(5) Society Of Obstetricians And Gynaecologists COVID-19 Champions
(6) https://www.sogc.org/common/Uploaded%20files/Covid%20Information/EN_HCP-FAQ_SOGC_FINAL.pdf
(7) SOGC Talking Points For Health Care Workers
(8) https://www.sogc.org/common/Uploaded%20files/Induced%20Abortion%20-%20Pandemic%20Guidance%20.pdf
(9) Induced Abortion – Pandemic Guidance WHO
(10) https://www.who.int/health-topics/abortion
(11) https://sogc.org/cme-on
(12) SOGCA Continuing Medical Education Funded By Pharma
(13) http://searchlightpharma.com/portfolio/
(14) Portfolio – Searchlight Pharma
(15) https://www.duchesnay.com/en/
(16) https://mdm.ca/md-difference/your-md-advisor
(17) https://mdm.ca/md-difference/about-md
(18) https://twitter.com/SOGCorg/status/1461438570393219074
(19) https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/hacc/cews/srch/pub/bscSrch
(A) Canadian Pharmaceutical Sciences Foundation Funded By Big Pharma
(B) Canadian Pharmacists Association: Subsidies While They Lobby Against You
(C) CDN Immunization Research Network Funded By Pfizer, GSK, Sanofi
(D) B.C. Pharmacy Association Funded By Drug Companies
(E) U.S. Council On Patient Safety: Women’s Health
(F) Emergent BioSolutions Lobbying All Federal Parties
(G) British Fertility Society Funded By Pharmaceutical Companies
(H) American College Health Foundation Is Funded By Big Pharma-and-insurance/
(I) Myocarditis Foundation Gets Donations From Big Pharma