(Work and reforms in danger from lack of cash)

(From potential world domination, to panhandling on Twitter)

(UN may be unable to pay its bills by next month)

(Lots of UN members aren’t paying full share)

1. Important Links
(1) https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/06/1039851
(2) https://www.un.org/en/ga/contributions/honourroll.shtml
(3) https://twitter.com/antonioguterres
(4) https://www.reuters.com/article/us-un-funding-idUSKBN1WN25F
(5) https://www.newsmax.com/finance/streettalk/un-money-pay-staff/2019/10/08/id/936225/
(6) https://www.france24.com/en/20191009-un-secretary-general-antonio-guterres-says-united-nations-facing-worst-cash-crisis-almost-d
(7) https://news.yahoo.com/u-n-chief-warns-may-181937254.html
(8) https://globalnews.ca/news/6006577/un-chief-warns-not-enough-money/
2. Context For This Article
As has been thoroughly outlined and documented on this website, the United Nations is a globalist institution aiming at world domination. Under the guise of “international cooperation”, national sovereignty has been eroded for decades.
Therefore, it is quite uplifting to see that the UN has dire financial problems. Consider this a form of schadenfreude, enjoying the misery of your enemy.
3. Data On How Many Pay Up
Year | Paid In Full | Percentage |
2001 | 135 | 70% |
2002 | 117 | 61% |
2003 | 127 | 66% |
2004 | 121 | 63% |
2005 | 140 | 73% |
2006 | 139 | 73% |
2007 | 140 | 73% |
2008 | 146 | 76% |
2009 | 136 | 70% |
2010 | 138 | 72% |
2011 | 143 | 74% |
2012 | 143 | 74% |
2013 | 145 | 75% |
2014 | 144 | 74% |
2015 | 142 | 74% |
2016 | 145 | 75% |
2017 | 145 | 75% |
2018 | 152 | 79% |
2019 | 127 | 66% |
Source is right here. However, it is a little unclear why only the people who are fully paid up are listed. Is this an attempt to shame those who aren’t paying their “fair share” to erase their sovereignty?
Note: In fairness, 2019 obviously isn’t over yet, so that 127 number could very easily change.
4. UN Posting On “Cash Crisis”
In a statement issue by his Spokesperson, the Secretary-General said he had written to Member States, “about the worst cash crisis facing the United Nations in nearly a decade. The Organization runs the risk of depleting its liquidity reserves by the end of the month and defaulting on payments to staff and vendors.”
Although 129 States out of 193 have now paid their regular annual dues, the most recent being Syria, UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric told correspondents at the regular briefing in New York, others needed to pay “urgently and in full”.
“This is the only way to avoid a default that could risk disrupting operations globally. The Secretary-General further asked governments to address the underlying reasons for the crisis and agree on measures to put the United Nations on a sound financial footing.”
As of the end of September, only 70 per cent of the total assessment for the year had been paid, versus 78 per cent this time last year. Up to 8 October, Member States have paid $1.99 billion towards the regular budget assessment for 2019, which means there is an outstanding amount of around $1.3 billion for the year, Mr. Dujarric told correspondents.
In the page, the UN warns that travel will have to be kept to a minimum, and new postings not filled. Okay, but why isn’t non-essential travel already stopped? The UN takes money from other nations with those “Carbon taxes”.
Those annual conferences on climate change involve flying in tens of thousands of people — each year — to talk about cutting emissions. The hypocrisy is astounding. Has no one ever heard of video conferencing?
Looking at all of the overhead and personnel involved in the UN, one would reasonably wonder how much of the waste can be cut. It seems like a horribly inefficient organization.
With all of the money coming in, and all of the “extra” sources of revenue starting up, where exactly is it going? Should the UN be audited by outside firms?
5. From The Reuters Article
He told the 193-member U.N. General Assembly’s budget committee that if he had not worked since January to cut spending then “we would not have had the liquidity to support” the annual gathering of world leaders last month.
Pardon the nitpicking, but I have to ask: if you are concerned about financing essential humanitarian efforts around the world, why are you wasting money with an annual world leaders gettogether? Seems like the money can be better spent than on photo-ops.
“This month, we will reach the deepest deficit of the decade. We risk … entering November without enough cash to cover payrolls,” said Guterres. “Our work and our reforms are at risk.”
The United States is the largest contributor – responsible for 22 percent of the more than $3.3 billion regular budget for 2019, which pays for work including political, humanitarian, disarmament, economic and social affairs and communications.
Yes, the U.S. contributes almost a quarter of your budget. And it does so every year.
Washington owes some $381 million for prior regular budgets and $674 million for the 2019 regular budget. The U.S. mission to the United Nations confirmed the figures.
Sure, let’s take a shot at the United States. But just a bit later in the article, Reuters provides some context for the American contributions:
“Overall the United States, as the largest contributor to the U.N., contributes roughly $10 billion annually in assessed and voluntary contributions across the United Nations system,” the official said.
U.S. President Donald Trump has said Washington is shouldering an unfair burden of the cost of the United Nations and has pushed for reforms of the world body. Guterres has been working to improve U.N. operations and cut costs.
Well, it’s true.
6. UN Still Has Jobs Postings

Very interesting. The U.N. still has job postings for 1678 positions. Rather incongruent with having such an extreme cash crunch. To be fair, however, there are likely many very old postings.
7. Where Does It Go From Here?
Yes, the UN still has job postings available. While this does look sketchy, let’s play some devil’s advocate and assume they are slow to update their website. Yes, it could be a total fraud.
Now, admittedly this is speculation.
While having the UN collapse and die off sounds appealing, it’s very unlikely that it would actually happen. it can always downsize parts of its operations and keep going. It can also raise additional cash, say by Soros or other globalists. Or it can just refuse to honour parts of its debts. Businesses and other organizations can survive a long time while being in the red financially.
This is definitely encouraging, but too soon to predict a collapse of the UN. Hopefully that day will come. National sovereignty is more important than “multilateralism”.