Ontario’s “Re-Education” Training For Health Care Workers Refusing “Vaccines”

Pretty Orwellian, isn’t is? The above video is from a health care worker in Ontario, one who has been forced to undergo “reeducation” as a result of refusing the experimental, unapproved “vaccine”. While it’s impossible to 100% verify that this is authentic, it’s consistent with the programming that Ford has already sent out.

Thank you to whoever produced this.

TORONTO — Workers at long-term care homes who chose not to receive a COVID-19 vaccine will soon have to participate in an educational program on the benefits of vaccination, unless they can provide proof of a medical reason for refusing the shot.

The Doug Ford government has announced that all 626 long-term care homes in Ontario will have to have immunization polices in place for staff that will, at a minimum, require workers who do not get both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to “participate in an educational program about the benefits of vaccination and the risks of not being vaccinated.

The policy takes effect July 1 and the only exception will be for staff who can provide a “documented medical reason for not being vaccinated,” the province say.

Welcome to the Ministry Of Truth.

It’s important to note: these are not “approved vaccines”. They are given interim authorization as a result of an emergency order. They aren’t really vaccines either.

This tutorial, and other government propaganda, don’t bother to mention that there are no long term studies about the effects. Nor do they discuss the testing deficiencies, such as no testing for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, carcinogenicity, or toxicity. No evidence of fertility issues…. yes, because testing for it was never done.

Also noteworthy: there’s no mention that the manufacturers are indemnified against liability. This means they cannot be sued, regardless of what damages can be proven.

Interesting that there is the statement that death soon after injection doesn’t necessarily mean the vaccine was responsible. That distinction was never made for “Covid deaths”.

No mention of the fact that even from the Government of Canada’s own data, the overwhelming majority of cases get better on their own.

These are just a few of the questions that aren’t addressed.

Ever get the sense they are trying too hard?

(1) https://rumble.com/vis5wt-propaganda-course-for-ltc-in-ontario-if-you-refuse-the-vax.html?fbclid=IwAR2SO_d7nEjKJQ3GF-EONMLr_zEig3tudLL8wIyh6GECF_M-VZ02ErFdbY4
(2) https://www.facebook.com/groups/137204671811144/permalink/144676727730605/
(3) https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/unvaccinated-ontario-long-term-care-workers-will-have-to-participate-in-educational-program-1.5450034
(4) https://www.hrreporter.com/focus-areas/safety/ontario-mandates-immunization-policies-for-long-term-care-homes/356705

3 Replies to “Ontario’s “Re-Education” Training For Health Care Workers Refusing “Vaccines””

  1. What an incredible pile of lies in the government re-education vid! I hope someone takes it and analyzes it thoroughly, countering each of the many lies told. I could almost do it but I don’t have the time. What an evil government I live under!

  2. some of the best education can be done with the middle finger and repetition may or may not be the best form of emphasis but it works, with a full range of grammar or not, some imagination is useful but not required. a jab for a jab will be best articulated with a sword, spear or other improvised tool, since it is an all out war, govern yourselves accordingly…

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