(1.1) Predatory Publishing #1: The Paper Itself (2019)
(1.2) Predatory Publishing #2: Meeting Professor Pyne (2019)
(1.3) Predatory Publishing #3: TRU Responds (2019)
(1.4) Predatory Publishing #4: A Follow-up With Professor Pyne (2019)
(2) World Border Congress, Biometrics Projects Proposed (2019)
(3) Consequences Of A Canada/China Trade Deal On IP (2019)
(4.1) Pirbright Institute, Virus Patents, Gates (2020)
(4.2) WHO’s July 31 Listings Of Vaccine Research Projects (2020)
(4.3) CDC: Just 6% Deaths Solely to CV; Vaccine Patents; Masks (2020)
(5) PCR Tests Not Designed To Test For Virus, EUA Only (2021)
(6) Leslyn Lewis Supports Paris Accord, Subsidies, Loosening IP (2020)
(7) Kelvin Zero Getting Subsidies To Develop Digital ID, Blockchain (2022)
(8) Superclusters: Shared IP Rights As Meat Replaced With Plant Based (2022)