1. Important Links
(1) https://cija.ca/
(2) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/
(3) http://archive.is/NR9tZ
(4) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/vwRg?cno=111®Id
(5) http://archive.is/YfeEJ
(6) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/lpoh?cid=111&lid=752107
(7) http://archive.is/hQncQ
(8) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/lpoh?cid=111&lid=752106
(9) http://archive.is/RV5ce
(10) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/clntCmmLgs?cno=111®Id
(11) http://archive.is/czbFk
(12) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/vwRg?cno=111®Id=635500&blnk=1
(13) http://archive.is/VvEnY
(14) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/vwRg?cno=111®Id=895791
(15) http://archive.is/NR9tZ
(16) https://jcpa.org/article/analyzing-the-durban-ii-conference/
(17) http://archive.is/E9V10
(18) https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-israeli-high-court-allows-dna-testing-to-prove-judaism-1.8439615
(19) http://archive.is/Tso98
(20) “https://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/43-1/bill/S-201/first-reading#ID1RB
(21) http://archive.is/wuuWR
2. Context For This Piece
An awful lot of people criticize “ISLAMIC” influence in Canadian politics. And there is certainly reason to be worried. Creeping Sharia, prohibitions on criticizing Islam, and cultural practices that are incompatible with the West are being pushed. And there are of course, political movements to eventually take over.
However, what isn’t really discussed is the ZIONIST influence in Canadian politics. It’s there, and it’s just as bad as the push for Islam. Difference is, it’s more subtle, and the media is much more controlled on the subject.
3. Who Are The Lobbyists?
2001 Listings For Centre for I/J Affairs
Current Listings For Centre for I/J Affairs
- Dan-Michael Abécassis, Director, Government Relations (Quebec)
- David Cooper, Vice President, Government Relations
- SHIMON FOGEL, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
- Sophie Helpard, Associate Director, Government Relations (Ontario)
- Richard Marceau, Vice President, External Affairs and General Counsel
- Martin Sampson, Vice President, Communications and Marketing
- Jonathan Schneiderman, Vice President, Development and Public Affairs
- Noah Shack, Vice President, GTA
- Nico Slobinsky, Director, Pacific Region
- Eta Yudin, Vice President, Quebec
4. Israeli Lobbyists In CDN Office

5. Cited: 1248 “Communications Reports”
Going through the communications reports, let’s take a look at who the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs has been meeting with. Here is the list alphabetically. Note: there are a lot of repeats in here.
The list is alphabetical, not chronological.
Eve Adams, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Mark Adler, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Leona Aglukkaq, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Harold Albrecht, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Omar Alghabra, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Stella Ambler, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
André Arthur, Member of Parliament | Members of the House of Commons
Michael Atallah, Analyst | Privy Council Office (PCO)
Paulina Ayala, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
John Baird, Minister | Transport Canada (TC)
Denis Bazinet, Director, Electoral Operations and Planning Administration | Elections Canada
Michael Beaton, Director of Policy and Stakeholder Relations | Transport Canada (TC)
Patricia Beh, Director of policy | Canadian Heritage (PCH)
Karl Belanger, OLO | House of Commons
Mauril Belanger, MP | House of Commons
Rachel Bendayan, Parliamentary Secretary | Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
Carolyn Bennett, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Tyrone Benskin, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Carolyn Bernier, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Nathan Bessner, Special Assistant | Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED)
Dennis Bevington, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Douglas Black, Senator | Senate of Canada
Kelly Block, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Peter Boehm, Senator | Senate of Canada
Randy Boissonnault, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Francois Boivin, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Mathieu Bouchard, Senior Advisor | Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
Ray Bougher, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Alexandre Boulerice, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Peter Braid, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Garry Breitkreuz, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Scott Brison, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Bert Brown, Senator | Senate of Canada
Gordon Brown, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Lois Brown, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Patrick Brown, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Daniel Burgoyne, national manager | Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
Eloge Butera, Office of the Minister of Public Safety Canada | Public Safety Canada (PS)
Brad Butt, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Jenni Byrne, Issues Managment | Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
Oren Cainer, Minister’s Exempt Staff – Deputy Chief | House of Commons
Mark Cameron, Director | Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
Mariann Canning, Assistant Director, Accessibility & Outreach | Elections Canada
Guy Caron, Member of parliament | House of Commons
Jim Carr, Minister | Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
Colin Carrie, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Robert Chisholm, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Richard Clark, Policy Assistant | Industry Canada
Rob Clarke, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Tony Clement, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Anne C. Cools, Senator | Senate of Canada
Michael Cooper, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Raymond Cote, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Irwin Cotler, Member of Parliament | Members of the House of Commons
Darren Cunningham, Chief of Staff | Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
Izabel Czuzoj-Shulman, Parliamentary Affairs Advisor | Justice Canada (JC)
Julie Dabrusin, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Canadian Haritage | Canadian Heritage (PCH)
Joe Daniel, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Chris Day, Chief of Staff | House of Commons
Stockwell Day, Minister | Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAITC)
Allison Dean, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Dean Del Mastro, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
John Delcourt, Advisor to the Leader of the Opposition | House of Commons
Paul Dewar, Member of Parliament | Members of the House of Commons
Luc Desnoyers, Member of Parliament | Members of the House of Commons
Peter Donolo, Chief of Staff to the Leader of the Opposition | House of Commons
Earl Dreeshen, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Lisa Drouillard, Director | Elections Canada
Gilles Duceppe, Member of Parliament, Leader of Bloc Québécois | House of Commons
Nicolas Dufour, Member of Parliament | Members of the House of Commons
John Duncan, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Rick Dykstra, MP | House of Commons
Wayne Easter, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Ali Ehsassi, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Jeff English, Director of Communications | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
Ed Fast, Member of Parliament | Members of the House of Commons
Greg Fergus, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Andy Filmore, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Infrastructure and Communities | House of Commons
Doug Finley, Senator | Senate of Canada
Jim Flaherty, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Ann Flanagan Whalen, EU/European Bilateral and institutional relations | Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
Kyle Fox, Western Desk, Office of the Minister of Middle Class, Prosperity and Associate Minister | Finance Canada (FIN)
Shawn Fried, Assistant | Members of the House of Commons
Linda Frum, senator | Senate of Canada
Katharine Funtek, Executive Director | Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
Marc Garneau, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Mehalan Garoonanedhi, Policy Advisor & Assistant to the Parliamentary Secretary | Canadian Heritage (PCH)
Randall Garrison, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Julie Gaudreau, Special Assistant Public Liaison | Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
Jonathan Gauvin, Staff | House of Commons
Garnet Genuis, member of parliament | House of Commons
Marc Gervais, Director of Parliamentary Affairs | Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED)
Robert Goguen, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Marc Gold, Senator | Senate of Canada
Karina Gould, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Claude Gravelle, Member of parliament | House of Commons
Martin Green, Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet, Assessment | Privy Council Office (PCO)
Michel Guimond, Member of Parliament | Members of the House of Commons
Cheryl Hardcastle, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Stephen Harper, Prime Minister | Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
Laurie Hawn, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Randy Howback, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Candice Hoeppner, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Anthony Housefather, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minster of Labour | Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Graham Howell, Policy Advisor | Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
Carol Hughes, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Bruce Hyer, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Blair Hynes, Deputy Director | Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
Jamie Innes, Exempt Staff – Director of Parliamentary Affairs | Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
Sylvie Jacmain, Director, Alternative Voting Method and Operational Outreach | Elections Canada
Roxanne James, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Olivier Jarda, Policy Advisor | Justice Canada (JC)
Brian Jean, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Matt Jeneroux, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Eleanor Johnston, Senior Special Assistant | Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAITC)
Jonathan Kalles, Quebec Regional Desk | Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
Vandana Kattar-Miller, Deputy Director – Outreach | Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
Jason Kenney, Minister | Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Peter Kent, Member of parliament | House of Commons
Andrea Khanjin, Director, Issues Management | Finance Canada (FIN)
Jean-Yves Laforest, Member of Parliament | Members of the House of Commons
Sangeeta Lalli, British Columbia Regional Desk | Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
Jean-Francois Larose, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Alexandrine Latendresse, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
David Lametti, Minister | Justice Canada (JC)
Monique Lamoureux, Deputy Director – Democracy, Inclusion and Religious Freedom | Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
Melissa Lantsman, Policy Advisor | Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAITC)
Brad Lavigne, Principal Secretary to the Leader of the Opposition | House of Commons
Dominic Leblanc, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Jordan Leichnitz, Parliamentary Affairs | House of Commons
Kellie Leitch, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Chungsen Leung, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Michael Levitt, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Rheal Lewis, Chief of Staff | House of Commons
John Light, Director of Regional Affairs | Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAITC)
Ben Lobb, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Elliot Lockington, Special Advisor | Canadian Heritage (PCH)
James Lunney, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Dan Lussier, Exempt Staff – Policy Advisor | Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
Lawrence MacAulay, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
John MacKay, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Hoang Mai, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Fabian Manning, Senator | Senate of Canada
Elizabeth May, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
John McCallum, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Michael McDonald, Senator | Senate of Canada
Dylan Marando, Director of Policy | Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Wayne Marston, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
John McCallum, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Marilla McCargar, Senior Policy Advisor | Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED)
Andrea McGuigan, Policy Advisor | Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
Anne McGrath, Chef of Staff, NDP Leader Jack Layton’s office | House of Commons
Marc Mendicino, Minister | Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
Larry Miller, Member of Parliament | Members of the House of Commons
Maryam Monsef, Minister | House of Commons
Christine Moore, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Marty Morantz, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Isabelle Morin, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Tom Mulcair, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Joyce Murray, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Samantha Nadler, Exempt Staff – Policy Advisor | Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
Giuliana Natale, Director, Democracy, Inclusion and Religious Freedom | Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
Peggy Nash, Member of Parliament | Members of the House of Commons
Anita Neville, Member of Parliament | Members of the House of Commons
Jamie Nicholls, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Rick Norlock, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Jose Nunez-Melo, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Alexander Nuttall, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Ross O’Connor, Policy Advisor | Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
Tilly O’Neil Gordon, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Rob Oliphant, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Joe Oliver, Minister of Natural Resources | House of Commons
Ted Opitz, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Annick Papillon, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Pierre Paquette, Member of Parliament | Members of the House of Commons
Zubair Patel, Chief of Staff | Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
Claude Patry, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Alexis Pavlich, Manager, Cultural Media & Vancouver Regional Comm Advisor | Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
Eve Peclet, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
France Pegeot, Executive Vice-President | Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
John Penner, Deputy Chief of Staff and Director of Parliamentary Affairs | House of Commons
Pat Perkins, MP | House of Commons
Pierre Poilievre, Member of Parliament | Members of the House of Commons
Manon Perreault, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Anne Minh-Thu Quach, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Zara Rabinovitch, Senior Policy Advisor | Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
Bob Rae, Member of Parliament | Members of the House of Commons
John Rafferty, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Lisa Raitt, Minister of Transport | Transport Canada (TC)
James Rajotte, Member of Parliament | Members of the House of Commons
Tracey Ramsey, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Murray Rankin, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Rachel Rappaport, Press Secretary | Indigenous Services Canada (ISC)
Yasmin Ratansi, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Brent Rathgeber, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Mohammed Ravalia, Senator | Senate of Canada
Mathieu Ravignat, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Darrell Reid, Deputy Chief of Staff | Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
Roy Rempel, Policy Advisor | Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
David Richards, Senator | Senate of Canada
Greg Rickford, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Pablo Rodriguez, Minister | Canadian Heritage (PCH)
Giovanna Roma, Senior Desk Officer, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Europe Bilateral and EU Institutions | Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
Rick Roth, Director of Communications | Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada
Pierre-Paul Roy, Advisor to Gilles Duceppe, MP | House of Commons
Harjit Sajjan, Minister | National Defence (DND)
Andrew Saxton, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Andrew Scheer, Leader of the Official Opposition | House of Commons
Deb Schulte, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Anton Sestritsyn, Strategic Communications Advisor | House of Commons
Judy Sgro, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Bev Shipley, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Scott Simms, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Gail Sinclair, General Counsel | Justice Canada (JC)
Jill Sinclair, Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet | Privy Council Office (PCO)
Jagmeet Singh, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Jagmeet Sra, Parliamentary Assistant & Policy Affairs Assistant | Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED)
Dahlia Stein, Senior Policy Advisor | Health Canada (HC)
Peter Stoffer, Member of Parliament | Members of the House of Commons
Chuck Strahl, Minister | Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Marci Surkes, Office of the Minister of Public Safety Canada | Public Safety Canada (PS)
David Sweet, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Caitlin Szymberski, Policy Advisor | Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
Glenn Thibeault, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
David Tilson, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Vic Toews, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister | Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
Susan Truppe, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Merv Tweed, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Tim Uppal, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Kevin Urbanic, Senior Director | Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
Dave Van Kesteren, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Peter Van Loan, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Adam Vaugham, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Families and Social Development | House of Commons
Joseph Volpe, Member of Parliament | Members of the House of Commons
Jeremy Waiser, Advisor | House of Commons
Mark Warawa, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Chris Warkentin, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Jamieson Weetman, Analyst Foreign and Defense Policy Secretary | Privy Council Office (PCO)
David Wells, Senator | Senate of Canada
Paul Wilson, Director | Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
Jody Wilson-Raybould, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Lizan Wladyslaw, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Nigel Wright, Chief of Staff, | Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
Kate Young, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Terence Young, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
Pierre-Hughes Boisvenu, Senator | Senate of Canada
A few things to point out.
This is a huge number of people being lobbied, and it doesn’t included repeat attempts.
Party leaders such as Justin Trudeau (Liberal), Andrew Scheer (Conservative), Jagmeet Singh (NDP), and Elizabeth May (Green) have all been lobbied as well. So was Gilles Duceppe, former BQ head. This cuts across party lines. Also, it includes — from the previous administration — Stephen Harper, Nigel Wright, Stockwell Day, Jason Kenney, Vic Toews, John Baird and Chuck Strahl.
Tom Mulcair was lobbied when the NDP was official opposition.
6. What CIJA Lobbies For
Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit
- Darfur Conflict: advocacy for more political and financial support from the Government of Canada to resolve the conflict.
- Public Security threats to the safety and security of the Jewish community of Canada and the extension of funding of capital costs and staff training for security of communities at risk
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
- CITIZENSHIP ACT (continued support for the power of the state under the current citizenship act to remove citizenship in cases involving war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorism and extreme promotion of hate.)
Criminal Code of Canada with respect to combating antisemitism. - Parliamentary consultations and reviews about antisemitism; the establishment of a parliamentary enquiry
Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act with respect to combating antisemitism. - Support for Bill C-277 (Palliative Care)
- Support for Bill C-305 (Hate Crimes)
- Support for Bill S-201 (Genetic Discrimination)
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, Policies or Program
Hate speech and internet-based hate: For Canada to adopt policies – either/and through legislation or policies adjustments that will provide measurable standards for internet-based dissemination of hate speech, including explicit provisions within the Crimical Code
Policies or Program
- Advocating for the development of a national anti-poverty strategy.
- Agriculture Canada: Assist in securing termination of Israeli ban on Canadian beef imports as a result of BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) protocols.
- Anti racism initiatives related to Durban II and expand support by Canadian government of different initiatives to promote tolerance and diversity
- Assisted living and low income housing for developmentally challenged: To ensure that the developmentally challenged benefit from the recently announced government programs regarding affordable housing and that a specific portion of the funds allocated for housing be designated for the developmentally challenged.
- Canada and Israel relationship with regard to expanding trade between Canada and Israel through the promotion, application and expansion of free trade agreement
- Canada-Israel bilateral relations related to trade, investment and scientific and academic exchanges
- Canadian diplomatic relations related to the trade agreements with Israel and other nations in the Middle East
- Canadian participation in International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)
- Continuing support of the Government of Canada’s policy in maintaining the office of the special advisor on antisemitism of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
- Defence: Canadian participation in Operation Proteus; Discussions on Canada-Israel military cooperation, joint training exercises and military staff exchanges.
- Government Procurement: Facilitation of Canada-Israel meetings at ministerial level on issues of budget and procurement “best practices”.
- INTERNATIONAL TASK FORCE ON HOLOCAUST EDUCATION, COMMEMORATION AND RESEARCH; ensure that the Government of Canada fulfills its obligations as a full member.
- Immigration: Discussions regarding the Immigration Refugee Board policies regarding refugee claimants from Israel; Discussions regarding overall Canadian immigration policy, integration of new Canadians and Israeli “best practices” regarding new immigrant absorption (e.g., certification of foreign trained medical professionals) and language training.
- Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada: Assisting Aboriginal leaders and Aboriginal women’s groups is learning new models of community development through presentations on Israeli development models at MASHAV (Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Israel’s equivalent of CIDA)
- Infrastructure and community relations with regard to the expansion of current PSC (Public Safety Canada) security related funding proposals to include broader definitions of participation and extended funding qualification timetables as well as broader range of items to be funded
- International Development: Advice on Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada (Global Affairs Canada) approach to aid directed at UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency); Advice on the renewal of the McGill Middle East Program in Civil Society and Peace Building
- International Relations: Discussions on Canadian interventions at the UN regarding economic sanctions approved by the Security Council; Canadian positions on the NPT (Non-proliferation treaty) review conference; Canadian involvement in the Israel-Palestinians peace process.
- Myanmar/Burma: Rohinga refugees and displaced persons: For Canada to augment humanitarian allocations to assist the Rohinga refugees in Burma and Bangladesh and implement elements of the recommendations submitted by The Hon. Bob Rae regarding the Rohinga refugee population.
- National Holocaust Memorial: To ensure that the Government of Canada provide resources for year-round access to the memorial as well as educations supports for visitors to the Holocaust Memorial
- Qualifications for refugee status claimants and citizenship and immigration requirements for new immigrants related to standards for qualification for entry
- Raoul Wallenberg “Park of the Righteous”: For the Government to establish a national park in honour of Raoul Wallenberg paying tribute to individual Canadians who have made a significant contribution to humanitarian causes.
South Sudan humanitarian relief: For Canada to increase humanitarian support for the South Sudanese, especially in the area of food security. - Taxation and Finance: Discussions regarding CRA tax policies with respect to charitable organizations, and general policies.
- Transportation: Assisting in the development of briefings on airport security by Israeli officials for Transport Canada – including ministerial staff.
- WAR CRIMES PROSECUTIONS (continuing advocacy to push the denaturalization and deportation of persons found in Canada who lied about their records in the Second World War or more recent conflicts and the prosecution of war criminals when sufficient evidence is adduced.)
- Agriculture: Canadian Food Inspection Agency regulations regarding ritual slaughter (Chapter 12)
- Broadcasting: Discussions regarding the award of new broadcast licenses by the CRTC
- Conflict of Interests, Ethics, Lobbying, Canada Revenue Agency. Ensuring CIJA fully respects all its legal and regulatory obligations while advocating for the current framework to be more efficient and respectful of the needs, objectives and resources of cultural and religious communities.
- Dairy Board: tariff exemptions for kosher cheese products: To ensure that kosher cheese products not produced domestically be designated as tariff-exempt dairy products.
- Department of Citizenship and Immigration Act, related to the application of and the issuance of visas.
- PSC (Public Safety Canada) and Infrastructure Canada seeking program applicability to full range of Jewish communal institutions with respect to the timing of the program and the scope and determination of reimbursements
- Tax credit for volunteerism: proposing that a process be added to provide tax credits for individuals who contribute time to charitable activities on a sustained basis.
Government Institutions
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
- Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
- Canadian Heritage (PCH)
- Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC)
- Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (CHRT)
- Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)
- Competition Tribunal (CT)
- Correctional Service of Canada (CSC)
- Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)
- Elections Canada
- Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
- Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
- Finance Canada (FIN)
- Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
- Health Canada (HC)
- House of Commons
- Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
- Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB)
- Indigenous Services Canada (ISC)
- Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED)
- International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
- Justice Canada (JC)
- National Defence (DND)
- National Research Council (NRC)
- Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
- Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada (OIC)
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC)
- Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
- Privy Council Office (PCO)
- Public Safety Canada (PS)
- Public Service Commission of Canada (PSC)
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
- Senate of Canada
- Shared Services Canada (SSC)
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
- Statistics Canada (StatCan)
- Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB)
- Transport Canada (TC)
- Treasury Board Of Canada Secretariat (TBS)
- Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC)
Can we drop any pretense that there is nothing wrong with this? This Jewish/Israeli group is lobbying huge numbers of politicians and their staff. They are trying to influence major parts of our government and society.
It’s all parties involved in this, and at all levels. No one’s hands are clean. It is an outright sell out of our country by Zionist shills.
While this is not exhaustive, let’s look at a few initiatives that the Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs has been up to
7. CIJA Is Anti-Free Speech

Weren’t people up in arms when Iqra Khalid pushes M103 (the blasphemy motion) through Parliament? This is even worse. Instead of some “non-binding” motion, it would actually criminalize what is considered hate speech.
Of course with this group, criticism of their BEHAVIOUR is often tagged as hate speech. So good luck getting that exception through.
8. CIJA Wants Media Regulation

The CRTC has recently made many recommendations, including forcing those in the media to get licenses. Understandably, the Minister, Steven Guilbeault, and the Federal Government are taking a lot of flak over this.
But something is missing from the discussion. Who’s behind it? Who’s pushing to make it mandatory for people in the media to be licensed. From their own lobbying information, CIJA is advocating for exactly that.
9. CIJA Supports Animal Cruelty

Do you support animal rights, as in the humane treatment of animals? Do you want animals killed for food to be treated without being tortured? Well, stop being a bigot. Kosher is something that CIJA is pushing.
Is it any different than halal food? Not really, but it’s anti-Semitic to criticize it.
10. CIJA Wants Holocaust Memorial

Want to have something burned into your brain for you had absolutely no role in doing? Do you want to feel endless white guilt? Now you can. CIJA wants the Holocaust Memorial to be preserved and protected to constantly remind people that they are victims.
11. CIJA Pressuring Ottawa On Durban II

CIJA is pressuring Canada regarding the Durban II conference, which it views as an attack on Israel itself. That is more than a little hypocritical, considering Israel conducts DNA testing to prove Judaism, and it was upheld as legal by the courts.
12. CIJA Controls Our Government
There will certainly be followups to this article, but know this: CIJA is lobbying politicians in all parties on a variety of topics. Indeed, it is an attack on Canadian sovereignty.
But good luck getting conservatives, or “Conservative Inc.” to address this assault on our country. They have little to no interest in addressing such matters.
13. Double Standard For ADL

Worth a look, as the ADL has the same double standard as CIJA when it comes to diversity and tolerance.
Furthermore, bi-nationalism is unworkable given current realities and historic animosities. With historically high birth rates among the Palestinians, and a possible influx of Palestinian refugees and their descendants now living around the world, Jews would quickly be a minority within a bi-national state, thus likely ending any semblance of equal representation and protections. In this situation, the Jewish population would be increasingly politically – and potentially physically – vulnerable.
It is unrealistic and unacceptable to expect the State of Israel to voluntarily subvert its own sovereign existence and nationalist identity and become a vulnerable minority within what was once its own territory.
But no objection to forcing OTHERS to become minorities in their lands.
Like!! I blog quite often and I genuinely thank you for your information. The article has truly peaked my interest.