Ryan Imgrund made a name for himself with his endless “Covid-19 death wave” predictions. Despite working as a high school teacher for a career, he was touted by the media as an expert. Now, he’s back in the public spotlight for an entirely different reason.
The Ontario College of Teachers has sent notice of a discipline hearing relating to allegations involving some of his students. (See archive).
According to O.C.T. records, Imgrund was eligible to teach as of June 2003. April 2022, his license was temporarily suspended. It was cancelled completely in June of this year.
The complaint cites psychological or emotional abuse or students, as well as sexual abuse of at least one student. The specifics in the complaint are listed below.
The details (if true) allege a pattern of not respecting professional boundaries between himself and his student over a prolonged period. There are 5 students listed, with personal details redacted to protect their identities.
At this time, no dates for the hearing have yet been set. Nor is it clear how much time any further investigations will take.
This should be obvious, but will be mentioned anyway: at this point, these are only allegations. Nothing has yet been proven.

Imgrund had been covered on this site before, primarily because of his role in facilitating mass panic.
Since March 2020, he listed his work history as “Biostatistician / Corporate Consultant” and doing this as a form of self employment. Apparently, he earned a living “discovering, analyzing and interpreting scientific, mathematical, economic and retail trends”. All of that said, he was most well know for making doomsday predictions around virus infections.
But something else about his biography never made sense. His LinkedIn page states he was working at PHAC, the Public Health Agency of Canada, from 2000 until 2009. (See archive). This doesn’t seem plausible, as he would have been a university junior at that time, and presumably very busy.
It also doesn’t add up since PHAC didn’t come into existence until 2004. It was done by Order in Council, and extensively outlined here. This is far more than simple resume padding.
In any event, Imgrund’s side gig as a television expert seems to have come to an end. He hasn’t appeared since news of the suspension broke earlier this year. We’ll have to see how events unfold.
(1) https://oct.ca/NOHStream.pdf?documentType=NOH&id=1077&lang=E
(2) Imgrund Discipline Hearing Notice
(3) https://oct.ca/members/complaints-and-discipline/disciplinary-hearing-details?RegistrationId=463065
(4) https://apps.oct.ca/FindATeacher/memberdetail?id=463065
(5) https://twitter.com/imgrund
(6) https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-imgrund-aa944b85/
(7) https://archive.ph/OkkFr
(8) https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/corporate/mandate/about-agency/history.html
(9) https://www.raptorsrepublic.com/2020/10/06/the-interview-ryan-imgrund-biostatistician-imgrund/
(10) https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/statistician-worried-back-to-school-plan-risky-1.5671012
(11) https://www.sickkids.ca/siteassets/about/about-sickkids/sickkids-annual-report-2019-2020.pdf
(12) Sick Kids Hospital Major Donors
(13) https://canucklaw.ca/cv-29-the-financial-ties-between-sick-kids-hospital-and-the-gates-foundation/
(14) https://www.newmarkettoday.ca/coronavirus-covid-19-local-news/how-a-newmarket-biostatistician-is-using-rt-to-track-the-impact-of-reopening-2515509 for them.
(15) https://southlake.ca/foundation/about/your-investment-in-southlake/