The BBC reported that the World Health Organization had changed its position on face masks due to political pressure, not science.
1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”
This series continues into the lies, distortions and manipulations of the coronavirus industry. In order to understand why it’s happening, it’s necessary to show the lobbying, influence peddling and money trail that is going on. This is a multi billion dollar industry, and a lot of people have a vested interest in prolonging it.
Part 1: Gates; Pirbright Institute; Virus Patents
Part 3: Gates, GAVI, ID2020, Agenda 2030, WHO, CDC
Part 4: Gates using proxies to lobby Trudeau
Part 9: M-132, pharma lobbying hearings in Canada
Part 11: Pharma lobbying in Ontario, Bill 160 stalled
Part 14: lobbying behind $176M grant to AbCellera
Part 18: Vaccine bonds industry rising up
Part 21: Pharma lobbying by Gates’ many allies
Part 24: Gates financing Imperial College London models
2. Tactic Of Inflating The Total Deaths
In most cases, if you want to convince people that a big lie is true, different tactics will be needed. For the coronavirus planned-emic, this is no different. Originally, people in the West were told this was no big deal. Then suddenly, the narrative shifted to one of an urgent pandemic.
However, the lies that governments and the media tell are being exposed. The hype, the overdramatization, and the falsified death tolls are coming out. That’s what the bulk of this article will focus on. And more and more people are seeing through this hoax.
What comes next? There has been a shift as of late to prepare “for the second wave”. Now public figures state that what we saw wasn’t too bad, and that there is still worse to come.
3. Reported Death Tolls Are Based On Lies

Despite the media’s complicity in perpetuating the coronavirus planned-emic, there are many instances of some very powerful people telling the truth. They are just getting lost in the mix, or they change their tune. Here are some of them.
- The World Health Organization
- The White House, Deborah Birx
- The CDC, Center for Disease Control
- Anthony Fauci, NIAID Director
- The State of Colorado
- Dr. Scott Jenson, MN State Senator
- The Mobile County, Alabama Health Department
- The Washington State Department of Health
- Dr. Annie Bukacek, from Montana State
- Public Health of Pennsylvania State
- Health Department of New York State
- A motorcycle crash death in Florida was considered CV-19
- Illinois lists “dying with” covid as “dying of” covid
- White House Press Core
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
- Theresa Tam, CPHO Director
- The Province of Quebec on determining deaths
- The Ontario Government, Doug Ford
- Toronto Public Health, Mayor John Tory
- Niagara Region Health Department
- Thunder Bay District Health Unit
- Hamilton Health Unit
- The United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Now let’s go through the evidence.
4. WHO Waffles, Asymptomatic Transmission
Both videos, here, and here, are of Maria Van Kerkhove, head of the World Health Organization’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit. First, she claims that asymptomatic transfer of this virus is extremely rare. Obvious question, where are the numbers coming from if asymptomatic transfer is so rare? This statement would indicate that the lockdown and shutdown measures are unnecessary, and should be immediately ended. That is the logical conclusion. Then she claims that an estimated 6% to 41% of the global population may be infected but not have symptoms. Supposedly they think it’s around 16%, but refused to disclose how that estimate was arrived at. So nearly half the population could be infected already.
5. Center For Disease Control Guidelines

COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc. If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II. (See attached Guidance for Certifying COVID-19 Deaths)
The CDC, the Center for Disease Control, has issues new guidelines which make it easy to declare deaths to be the result of coronavirus, based on “presumption”, not any actual knowledge. Seems easy to fudge the results, especially when there is a financial incentive for doing so.

6. CDC Admits 94% Deaths Weren’t CV Alone
Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups.
The CDC Admits that 94% of deaths had at least one other major co-morbidity. The actual mortality rate of coronavirus is actually much lower.
7. Deborah Birx, White House
Perhaps Anthony Fauci thinks that Deborah Birx is lying when she stated that the virus death tolls are being inflated. Apparently, simply having the virus and dying with it can be conflated as dying from it. However, on a May 2 followup interview, Birx repeatedly dodged that same question about inflation of CV deaths.
8. Anthony Fauci Lies About Masks
Anthony Fauci later claimed he only recommended against masks in order to prevent a buying spree which would have left no masks available for health care workers. Motives aside, he blatantly lied to the public. In the third video, he appears to take the mask off as soon as the cameras are off. But remember, trust the experts and official sources. True, this does not “directly” have to do with inflated number of cases. However, if Fauci is willing to perpetuate this hoax, it’s fair to assume he would go along with inflating the number of CV deaths.
9. State Of Colorado Conflating Cases
The State of Colorado was recently exposed for inflating the death toll for how it calculates CV deaths. Check out their reporting and the inflation that has been exposed.
10. Minnesota Senator, Dr. Scott Jensen
Dr. Scott Jensen, also a Minnesota State Senator, shares what he received with regarding classifying deaths are CV deaths. Involves fudging the cause of death.
11. Mobile County, Alabama Health Dept.
In Mobile County, Alabama there was at least one case (that’s been admitted to) that a death unrelated to CV was written up as a CV death. The State Health Department claims it was just a “clerical error”, and that there was no ill intent.
12. Washington State Health Dept.

As of May 18, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) has reported 18,433 cases of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and 1,001 deaths in Washington state due to the virus.
However, Freedom Foundation research indicates DOH’s reported COVID-19 death total is inflated by as much as 13 percent due to state’s practice of counting every person who tests positive for COVID-19 and subsequently dies, even if the death was not caused by COVID-19.
On Friday, the Colorado Department of Health and Environment revised that state’s total deaths “due to” COVID-19 downward from 1,150 to 878 after local news reported the state was inflating its fatality count in a similar fashion.
Freedom Foundation reported that Washington State has been inflating the death toll by including people who have died while having the disease, but not actually dying from it.
13. Montana Physician Dr. Annie Bukacek
There is a talk by Montana physician Dr. Annie Bukacek on how COVID 19 death certificates are being manipulated. Actual CV deaths and “presumptive” deaths are being conflated.
14. Pennsylvania Counting “Probable” Cases

The Government of Pennsylvania claims that it is a very small number (about 2%) of total deaths which are considered probable. One has to wonder how many autopsies were actually done.
15. New York State Counting “Probable” Cases

Still, quantifying fatalities and the mortality rate remains elusive. Case in point: New York City. As the New York Times reported yesterday, Gotham’s Health Department abruptly added 3,700 victims to the COVID-19 death toll even though these decedents were not tested.
Despite the lack of coronavirus diagnoses in these cases, the inference that it was a factor in death (or, as the city insists, the proximate cause) is not irrational. The Health Department says that 3,000 more people died in the last month than would ordinarily have been expected in the City this time of year. The City has been vexed by the sparse availability of testing. By counting only people who had tested positive, it was surely undercounting COVID-19 deaths to some degree.
One has to wonder how New York got to be the so-called epicenter of this outbreak. Was it just assuming that people who died has died of this virus, without doing any testing?
16. Motorcycle Crash In Florida, COD Is CV-19
A motorcycle crash in Florida which killed someone was written up as CV-19. There was some “justification” that well, CV-19 could have led to it. There are also very vague guidelines which allow fudging the numbers.
17. Illnois Counting “With” CV As “From” CV

Also in Illinois, simply dying while having this virus is enough to be “counted” as a covid death, even if it was something else entirely that did the person in.
18. White House Press Core Knows It’s A Hoax
Reporters at the White House press briefings where masks when the press conferences are going on. But they know that the masks (and the death tolls), are all just a show to keep the public in line.
19. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister

Trudeau dodging questions about his hypocrisy in attending race-protests. Shutting down the country is necessary for public safety, but protesting woke causes doesn’t pose a serious risk. Okay, sure.
Now, it’s been addressed elsewhere that this is likely just his double, but that’s a story for another time.
20. Theresa Tam, CPHO Head, WHO Operative

Tam can’t even give a straight answer on whether the test results are accurate. Of course, it’s hard to take this “person” seriously when publicly saying that participating in race riots is not dangerous to public health. And let’s not forget about this 2010 film that Tam co-starred in.

img src=”https://canucklaw.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/tam.recovery-300×273.png” alt=”” width=”500″ height=”450″ class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-10897″ />
Tam admits that the overwhelming majority of people have already recovered — without an vaccine — yet still pushes the agenda.
Also, protesting woke causes apparently doesn’t lead to more cases. Tam claimed the protests on “systemic racism” didn’t lead to more cases.
21. Quebec Gov’t Doesn’t Want Autopsies

The Government of Quebec decided that in cases where CV was suspected in a death, there was to be no autopsy. Instead, the cause of death was to be ruled as CV-19.
22. ON Admits 50% Are False Postives

People really think that testing is going to solve the entire problem, and it isn’t. It’s one component of a response. If you test someone today, you only know if they’re infected today. And in fact, of you’re testing in a population that doesn’t have very much covid, you’ll get false positives, almost half the time. That is, the person doesn’t actually have covid. They have something else. They may have nothing. So, it will just complicate the picture. On the other hand, if we have evidence of a case, even a suspect case in school, all the contacts, be it a child or a teacher, would be tested.
Associate Medical Health Officer of Ontario, Barbara Yaffe, admits that the CV tests are pretty useless, and can result in up to 50% false positives. It can be nothing, or it can be something else.
Of course, Doug Ford won’t give a straight answer when called out on it. He seems to try to make himself blameless by always deferring to someone else. Not that he’s the Premier or anything.
23. Ontario Government, Doug Ford
Ontario Premier Ford, and Health Minister Elliot admit there have been cases where CV was written up as the cause of death, even when that was not the case. No amount of sugar coating can hide it.
Ford admitted on Twitter on August 11, 2020, that there are duplicate cases being counted.
24. Admission From Toronto Public Health

Toronto Public Health has admitted to fabricating its death toll. If a person dies WITH coronavirus, it is reported that they died BECAUSE of coronavirus. These are two entirely different things.
25. Niagara Region

The Niagara Region case count.
26. Thunder Bay District Health Unit
Information from the Thunder Bay District Health Unit

Same problem in Hamilton.
27. The United Kingdom (Great Britain)
This seems to apply to all regions within the UK.
Total number of people who had a positive test result for COVID-19 and died within 28 days of the first positive test, reported on or up to the date of death or reporting date (depending on availability).
People who died more than 28 days after their first positive test are not included, whether or not COVID-19 was the cause of death. People who died within 28 days of a positive test are included: the actual cause of death may not be COVID-19 in all cases. People who died from COVID-19 but had not been tested or had not tested positive are not included.
Death data can be presented by when death occurred (date of death) or when the death was reported (date reported) and the availability of each of these time series varies by area:
28. Problem Is Being Artificially Inflated
So who is claiming that the death tolls are exaggerated, or outright made up? Here is the list again. Despite this, our freedoms are still being taken away. Take a good long look at it.
- The World Health Organization
- The White House, Deborah Birx
- The CDC, Center for Disease Control
- Anthony Fauci, NIAID Director
- The State of Colorado
- Dr. Scott Jenson, MN State Senator
- The Mobile County, Alabama Health Department
- The Washington State Department of Health
- Dr. Annie Bukacek, from Montana State
- Public Health of Pennsylvania State
- Health Department of New York State
- A motorcycle crash death in Florida was considered CV-19
- Illinois lists “dying with” covid as “dying of” covid
- White House Press Core
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
- Theresa Tam, CPHO Director
- The Province of Quebec on determining deaths
- The Ontario Government of Doug Ford
- Toronto Public Health, Mayor John Tory
- Niagara Region Health Department
- Thunder Bay District Health Unit
- Hamilton Health Unit
- The United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Here are concrete examples, (among others), that coronavirus death counts are being inflated. How is this so? Because if a person does WITH this virus, it is counted as being the CAUSE OF the deaths, even when the deaths had nothing to do with the virus. In short, various governments are blatantly lying to their people in order to justify draconian measures.
How much more evidence do you need?
29.Bonnie Henry Admits There Is No Science
Watch starting around the 35:15 mark. BC Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry admits that there was no science behind the decision to limit gatherings to 50 people.
30. UK Test Mixes CV And Flu
31. Diversion To Mass Asymptomatic Cases
On June 9, the World Health Organization responded to considerable confusion from an earlier statement that asymptomatic transmission was very rare. They now believe (or claim to believe) that the actual 6% and 41% of the general population is infected but not showing symptoms. That said, they estimate that it is close to 16%, or 1 in 6 people globally.
So if between 468 million and 3.2 billion people are already infected, but asymptomatic, what exactly are you planning to do?
Other variations of that are coming up, but the new narrative seems to be that infection rate is far, far beyond what was originally thought. Obvious question: if up to half the planet is infected, and there are no symptoms, what exactly is the health crisis?
The World Economic Forum is now promoting the same narrative, that there are many times more infected people than originally thought. They estimate (using Chinese data), that 80% of people infected have little to no symptoms.
Obvious question: if people are infected on such a level and not dying, how will the scam keep going? That takes us to the new narrative ==> prepare for the second wave.
32. Diversion To: 2nd Wave Is Coming
A quick search will reveal hundreds of articles and videos, telling people that the second wave is coming and that we need to prepare. Incidently, the renewed pressure to get everyone wearing masks is at least partly to keep a continuous reminder that there is a pandemic.
Since Western governments aren’t slaughtering millions of people (at least for now), it’s necessary to keep people constantly aware that there is a pandemic. They have to know that their lives are in constant danger.
What does Victorian Premier Dan Andrews have to say?
“changing behaviour”
“changing your routine”
“changing your habits”
“changing your routine”
“making it so you can’t leave home without one”
The lies about the death toll are being exposed. Therefore the powers that be need to shift the narrative to one where the worst is still to come.
The reality is that this quest for control is a long term plan. They have no intention of just giving up on it, regardless of what we expose.
Keep up the good work! People will come around eventually thanks to people like you!!!