CV #25(E): Canadian Government Seeking Bids For “Biometric Vaccine Passports” System Creation

Where it started: Vaccine passports are just a ridiculous conspiracy theory. Stop with the tin foil hat nonsense.
Where it’s going: We need a company to develop vaccine passport system, and an authority to manage it.

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has an urgent need to secure the services of a global organization (the “Contractor”) with knowledge of and expertise in biometrics. The Agency requires this organization to assist with the immediate establishment of an Office of Biometrics and Identity Management and to work with the Agency in researching, planning for and rapidly developing a strategy and roadmap related to the use of Digital solutions enabled by supporting technologies in biometrics, in response to the COVID 19 situation and other operational priorities. The Contractor will bring knowledge, capabilities, and experience to support CBSA’s urgent need to establish a biometric strategy, biometric foundation and ultimately a Biometrics Authority (Centre of Excellence). Specifically, the “contractor” will assist the CBSA with the development of a comprehensive approach and plan to manage, evolve and adapt in using biometrics to deliver the mission of the agency while considering our interrelationship and joint ventures with other federal government departments and agencies and our international partners.

Also, what is the “Office of Biometrics and Identity Management” that this refers to? Who will run it? Who will have access to this data? Will the information be used for commercial or research purposes. There are of course similar questions concerning this “Biometrics Authority”.

Come to think of it: the Privacy Commissioners’ joint statement doesn’t exactly discourage the creation of vaccine passports.

At its essence, a vaccine passport presumes that individuals will be required or requested to disclose personal health information – their vaccine/immunity status – in exchange for goods, services and/or access to certain premises or locations. While this may offer substantial public benefit, it is an encroachment on civil liberties that should be taken only after careful consideration. This statement focuses on the privacy considerations.

Vaccine passports must be developed and implemented in compliance with applicable privacy laws. They should also incorporate privacy best practices in order to achieve the highest level of privacy protection commensurate with the sensitivity of the personal health information that will be collected, used or disclosed.

For businesses and other entities that are subject to private sector privacy laws and are considering some form of vaccine passport, the clearest authority under which to proceed would be a newly enacted public health order or law requiring the presentation of a vaccine passport to enter a premises or receive a service. Absent such order or law, i.e. relying on existing privacy legislation, consent may provide sufficient authority if it meets all of the following conditions, which must be applied contextually given the specifics of the vaccine passport and its implementation:

Can we now expect some new order or law to give businesses the power to refuse people entry based on not sharing this information? And what guarantees do we have that this will not be abused or shared anyway? There are safeguards (on paper at least), but what are those actually worth?

The Vaccine Credential Initiative, which includes Microsoft, seems poised to push such a global version. This should surprise no one at this point. A cynic might wonder if the whole thing was planned.

(3) Vaccine Passport Notice Of Proposed Procurement

Canada Gives Marie Stopes Another $25 Million For Foreign Abortions, Media Silent

There are 2 entries listed for Canada on recent foreign abortion spending. One was for $19,959,594.00 in Mali, and the other was for $4,985,000.00 in Ghana. Together, these grants make up nearly $25 million. The records are publicly available.

At a time when we are (allegedly) in the middle of a global pandemic, killing African children abroad is apparently still a priority for this Government. Interesting. How come this hasn’t been mentioned in the media, or by “opposition” parties? Are they unaware of this?

Marie Stopes International is a leading provider of family planning and reproductive healthcare globally. It works in 37 countries around the world delivering services to over 20 million women and men every year to ensure the rights of women to have children by choice, not by chance.
As a part of reproductive health services, MSI Reproductive Choices provides surgical abortions by using the safe and simple technique which called manual vacuum aspiration (MVA).
MS HEALTH PTY LTD is MSI wholly owned subsidiary in China and the exclusive distribution agent in China and overseas for Marie Stopes® MVA product line.
With mission to ensure women the rights of women to have children by choice, not by chance, MS Health is promoting the MVA products and other products on women reproductive health.

Marie Stopes International is an organization that provides birth control, but also has a significant enterprise in abortion. The terms of the Canadian grants specify that at least some of the money will be used for abortion. In 2018, Canadian taxpayers shelled out $15 million to this group

This organization holds several patents, including for equipment to perform abortions. It has been doing this for a very long time.

In 2009, Marie Stopes received a $50 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Gates Sr. is a former Head of Planned Parenthood in the U.S., so this ideologically lines up.

Marie Stopes would definitely be worth a deep dive, as she frequently gets compared to Margaret Sanger. However, that will have to be for another time.

And what are “conservatives” saying about this? It seems they don’t actually oppose the killing of children ideologically. However, they do try to score points for claiming to oppose sex-selective abortion. In other words, snuffing out children is okay, just don’t be a bigot.


CV #27(C): Share Verified Uses Emotional Manipulation, Selective Truth To Promote Narrative

Not even Wikipedia is safe from being used as a staging ground to promote official narratives. Here, a volunteer brags about editing pages to be consistent with the “latest information”.

This piece will contain some overlap with the work from Civilian Intelligence Network. Go check out their article for extra information.

Share Verified works in a way that can be best described as emotional manipulation. In practice, the promote an appeal to authority, where only certain sources should be trusted. They attempt to dissuade real research by gaslighting such things as misinformation, but in a passive aggressive way.

As the world confronts its biggest challenge in living memory, there has never been a greater need for accurate, verified information. Like the virus itself, misinformation spreads from person-to-person, heightening the risk to health and spreading fear and division. The world cannot contain the disease and its impacts without access to trusted, accurate information that promotes science and real solutions – and builds solidarity within and between nations.

Verified is an initiative of the United Nations, in collaboration with Purpose, to provide content that cuts through the noise to deliver life-saving information, fact-based advice and stories from the best of humanity.

By promoting and sharing Verified content, everyday people can play a crucial role in the work of Verified by spreading reliable information about COVID-19 to their friends, families and social networks, with the goal of saving lives and countering misinformation. Organisations, businesses, civil society and media platforms partner with Verified to spread information that helps protect people, communities and forges connections across the planet.

Verified’s team of communicators, creatives and researchers produce content based on the latest information and guidance from the United Nations, the World Health Organisation and other UN agencies. We work with leading experts on misinformation First Draft.

Verified works with the support of Luminate, IKEA Foundation and UN Foundation and partners all over the world.

An important detail to point out is that Share Verified (a UN initiative) is not working alone. It has partnered with many other NGOs to collaborate on this narrative.

  • Luminate is funded by the Omidyar Group, named after Pierre Omidyar, the founder of eBay. Omidyar’s groups are involved in media manipulation, and include the NGOs “Reset”, and “Reset Australia”. Check the link for more information.
  • The IKEA Foundation seems like a bizarre one to be promoting this narrative. However, once you look at their partners, it makes sense. These include: Carbon Trust, Carnegie Council, Climate Analytics, Clinton Health Access Initiative, European Climate Foundation, UNCHR, UNICEF, UNDP and the World Bank Group.
  • First Draft News claims to be a news outlet devoted to countering misinformation on a variety of topics. Its donors include:
    1. Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust
    2. Craig Newmark Philanthropies
    3. Democracy Fund
    4. Facebook Journalism Project
    5. Ford Foundation
    6. Google News Initiative
    7. John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
    8. The Klarman Family Foundation
    9. Media Democracy Fund
    10. The Newton and Rochelle Becker Charitable Trust
    11. Rita Allen Foundation
    12. Swiss Democracy Fund
    13. Open Society Foundations
    14. Wellcome Trust
  • Various UN Groups work with Share Verified, and in fact, it’s a branch of the organization. It could even be referred to as a media arm of the World Health Organization

Does anyone see anything wrong with a “medical doctor” spending her time online to edit pages on Wikipedia in order to influence the medical decisions of people who are not patients, and whom she has never examined? Really? Anyone?

The Vaccine Confidence Project, and the London School for Hygiene & Tropical Medicine receive funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and from drug companies. Just a thought, but perhaps they have an interest in pushing vaccines on the public.

Share Verified recommends pushing their talking points as a form of innoculation. They claim that people will be better able to sort through misinformation when the time comes.

In practice, in means prepping others with pre-set answers, so that questions or concerns (regardless of legitimacy) can be countered. A great way — although manipulative — to counter others is to simply attack the information as lies, but without addressing any key points.

Share Verified promotes the VCP, but who runs it?

A bit of background information here. The VCP, Vaccine Confidence Program, is part of the LSHTM, or London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Both receive extensive funding from pharmaceutical companies, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization, and Governments.

Who else is worth noting?

  • Board member, Carlos Alban (AbbVie)
  • Board member, Bill Anderson (Roche)
  • Board Member, Gabriel Baertschi (Grünenthal)
  • Board member, Anders Blanck (LIF)
  • Board Member, Olivier Charmeil (Sanofi)
  • Board Member, Alberto Chiesi (Chiesi)
  • Board member, Frank Clyburn (MSD)
  • Board Member, Eric Cornut (Menarini)
  • Board member, Richard Daniell (Teva Pharmaceutical Europe)
  • Board member, Johanna Friedl-Naderer (Biogen)
  • Board Member, Murdo Gordon (Amgen)
  • Board member, Peter Guenter (Merck)
  • Board member, Angela Hwang (Pfizer)
  • Board member, Enrica Giorgetti (Farmindustria)
  • Board member, Dirk Kosche (Astellas)
  • Board member, Jean-Luc Lowinski (Pierre Fabre)
  • Board member, Catherine Mazzacco (LEO Pharma)
  • Board member, Johanna Mercier (Gilead)
  • Board member, Luke Miels (GSK)
  • Board member, Gianfranco Nazzi (Almirall)
  • Board member, Oliver O’Connor (IPHA)
  • Board Member, Stefan Oelrich (Bayer)
  • Board member, Giles Platford (Takeda)
  • Board member, Antonio Portela (Bial)
  • Board member, Iskra Reic (AstraZeneca)
  • Board Member, Susanne Schaffert (Novartis)
  • Board member, Stefan Schulze (VIFOR PHARMA)
  • Board Member, Kris Sterkens (Johnson & Johnson)
  • Board member, Han Steutel (vfa)
  • Board member, Alfonso Zulueta (Eli Lilly)

One of the major donors of the Vaccine Confidence Project is the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA). It’s Board is made of up members representing major big pharma companies.

Another donor of VCP is the Innovative Medicine Institute. Salah-Dine Chibout is on the Governing Board of IMI, and also is the Global Head of Discovery and Investigational Safety at Novartis. Additionally, Paul Stoffels is the Chief Scientific Officer at Johnson & Johnson, Worldwide Chairman of Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson.

Share Verified promotes the VCP, which is funded by drug companies. Even the “independent” sponsors have ties to those same pharma organizations. Perhaps this is a serious conflict of interest.

And if that isn’t creepy enough, there is at least one (probably more) instruction manual on how to speak to people in order to get them to take vaccines. It gives plenty of tips on what type of emotional and psychological appeals to make, depending on the person.

Emotions to avoid

  • Sadness. Sadness can be helpful in gaining short-term engagement, but isn’t helpful over the long term. We are motivated to maintain a positive sense of ourselves, and tend to ignore information that makes us feel bad about our choices or doesn’t affirm our worldview.
  • Shame. It’s tempting to shame people for not choosing to get the vaccine. But as we’ve seen with mask wearing, shame activates people’s moral reasoning and they’ll find reasons why their choice is the right one to avoid feeling bad about themselves.
  • Fear. Using fear appeals can be effective when there’s a clear call to action, but in this case, it’s more likely that fear appeals will immobilize people. Fear motivates people to assess information systematically, so we may pay more attention to information when we are afraid. Public health scholars have found a relationship between fear and perceptions of personal or group risk. If the risk doesn’t seem relevant to an individual’s life, they won’t experience fear and are more likely to disengage from or discount the message. If people are seeing messages that suggest that the risks of COVID-19 are minimal, they’re unlikely to engage. People can experience fear when the consequences of risk are uncertain and they feel like they do not have control over the outcome. So using a fear-based message could damage more constructive efforts to demonstrate how taking the vaccine offers control.

We don’t want to shame people because they might thinking for themselves.

An interesting point: “FEAR MOTIVATES PEOPLE AT ASSESS INFORMATION SYSTEMATICALLY, SO WE MAY PAY MORE ATTENTION BECAUSE WE ARE AFRAID”. In other words, it’s recommended against using fear, but not out of human compassion. It’s because scared people are more likely to do their own research.

In case the term “emotional manipulation” may come off as hyperbolic, it’s not. These quotes are from pages 39 to 41 in the instruction manual. It was published by the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications in partnership with Purpose and the United Nations Verified initiative.

And of course, if that doesn’t work, Dominic LeBlanc and other politicians seem to have no issues with just passing laws to ban whatever they call “misinformation”. Of course, the WHO is on board with such measures.

What is the takeaway from all of this? It’s that the pro-pandemic, pro-vaccine, pro-mask messages are a lot more planned, coordinated, and calculated that one might think. Now, go read the CIN article.

(21) Guide To Covid Vaccine Communications

Guest Post: Blaise Vanne On Uselessness Of Masks, Death Rates, Pollution Buildup

Part 1 in an on-going series on the greatest scam this side of the Crab Nebula
There is utterly unfounded public hysteria, driven by the media and politicians… this is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.”
– Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Pres., Alberta Society of Laboratory Physicians, studies completed at Cambridge Univ.

Before we start on the vaccine – more properly, the gene therapy shot – some words on mask usage. Remember the world-wide calls to stop plastic straw usage? According to Strawless Ocean, there will be more plastic in the ocean by weight than fish in 2050. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering cites research that estimates that three million face masks are throw in the trash every minute across the globe – that’s equivalent to about 129 billion face masks per month (or 3 million a minute). An article in Natural Health 365 concludes “In their paper, the team of researchers, who hail from both Princeton and the University of Southern Denmark, note that disposable face masks are not biodegradable and contain minuscule plastic fibers, microplastics, and nanoplastics. Once these masks are thrown away and end up in the environment, masks are exposed to solar radiation and heat and start to break down to some degree. However, the degradation of plastics within the masks is slow to virtually non-existent – causing them to accumulate in our soil and water. And while there’s not enough data about the true impact of these masks on the environment yet, the researchers strongly suspect that the rampant use of disposable face masks are causing harmful biological and chemical substances to spread and pose health hazards to animals, humans, and the ecosystem. Where do all these face masks go? Among other places, straight into our oceans.”

GreenMedInfo adds: “Not only are masks not being recycled, but their materials make them likely to persist and accumulate in the environment. Because masks may be directly made from micro-sized plastic fibers with a thickness of 1 mm to 10 mm, they may release micro-sized particles into the environment more readily — and faster — than larger plastic items, like plastic bags. Of course, all this is ingested by sea life, impacting their health (save the whales!) as well as the health of all that consume them (birds, sea mammals, humans). Microbes from your mouth, known as oral commensals, frequently enter your lungs, where they have been linked to advanced stage lung cancer; wearing a mask could potentially accelerate this process. The “new normal” of widespread masking is affecting not only the environment but also the mental and physical health of humans.” Specifically, GreenMed tells us “Most disposable face masks contain three layers — a polyester outer layer, a polypropylene or polystyrene middle layer and an inner layer made of absorbent material such as cotton. Polypropylene is already one of the most problematic plastics, as it is widely produced and responsible for large waste accumulation in the environment, as well as being a known asthma trigger. Further, the researchers noted: “Once in the environment, the mask is subjected to solar radiation and heat, but the degradation of polypropylene is retarded due to its high hydrophobicity, high molecular weight, lacking an active functional group, and continuous chain of repetitive methylene units. These recalcitrant properties lead to the persistence and accumulation in the environment.” Of course, once these masks get weathered, they create micro-sized polypropylene particles in a matter of weeks, then break down further into nanoplastics that are less than 1 mm in size.

But then new masks go one worse says GreenMed: “Made from microsized plastic fibers with a thickness of 1 mm to 10 mm, they may release microsized particles into the environment more readily — and faster — than larger plastic items, like plastic bags. Further, “Such impacts can be worsened by a new-generation mask, nanomasks, which directly use nanosized plastic fibers (e.g., diameter <1 mm) and add a new source of nanoplastic pollution.” A report by OceansAsia further estimated that 1.56 billion face masks may have entered the world’s oceans in 2020, based on a global production estimate of 52 billion masks manufactured that year, and a loss rate of 3%, which is conservative…. Based on this data, and an average weight of 3 to 4 grams for a single-use polypropylene surgical mask, the masks would add 4,680 to 6,240 additional metric tons of plastic pollution to the marine environment, which, they note, “will take as long as 450 years to break down.”

Going further down the rabbit hole Greenmed opened up in the link above, “Such plastics also contain contaminants, such as polycyclic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which may be genotoxic (i.e., causing DNA damage that could lead to cancer), along with dyes, plasticizers and other additives linked to additional toxic effects, including reproductive toxicity, carcinogenicity and mutagenicity. Aside from the chemical toxicity, ingestion of microplastics from degraded masks and other plastic waste is also toxic due to the particles themselves as well as the potential that they could carry pathogenic microorganisms. Another issue that’s rarely talked about is the fact that when you wear a mask, tiny microfibers are released, which can cause health problems when inhaled. The risk is increased when masks are reused. This hazard was highlighted in a performance study to be published in the June 2021 issue of Journal of Hazardous Materials, where researchers from Xi’an Jiaotong University said scientists, manufacturers and regulators need to assess the inhalation of microplastic and nanoplastic debris shed from masks — both disposable and cloth.”

Then there is the issue of commensals from the mask furthering lung cancer and impacting fetuses. Again, from GreenMed: “Not only that, but researchers from New York University (NYU) Grossman School of Medicine revealed that when these oral commensals are “enriched” in the lungs, it’s associated with cancer. Specifically, in a study of 83 adults with lung cancer, those with advanced-stage cancer had more oral commensals in their lungs than those with early-stage cancer. Those with an enrichment of oral commensals in their lungs also had decreased survival and worsened tumor progression”; then re. the unborn “t’s also known that microplastics exist in human placentas, and animal studies show that inhaled plastic particles pass through the placenta and into the heart and brains of fetuses. The fetuses exposed to the microplastics also gained less weight in the later part of the pregnancy. “We found the plastic nanoparticles everywhere we looked — in the maternal tissues, in the placenta and in the fetal tissues. We found them in the fetal heart, brain, lungs, liver and kidney,” lead researcher and Assistant Professor Phoebe Stapleton of Rutgers University told The Guardian.” You can read the study directly yourself at here.

So here is what we get from masks, per Dr. Jim Meehan:
– Medical masks adversely affect respiratory physiology and function
– Medical masks lower oxygen levels in the blood
– Medical masks raise carbon dioxide levels in the blood
– SAR-CoV-2 has a “furin cleavage” site that makes it more pathogenic, and the virus enters cells more easily when arterial oxygen levels decline, which means wearing a mask could increase COVID-19 severity
– Medical masks trap exhaled virus in the mouth/mask, increasing viral/infectious load and increasing disease severity
– SARS-CoV-2 becomes more dangerous when blood oxygen levels decline
– The furin cleavage site of SARS-CoV-2 increases cellular invasion, especially during low blood oxygen levels
– Cloth masks may increase the risk of contracting COVID-19 and other respiratory infections
– Wearing a face mask may give a false sense of security
– Masks compromise communications and reduce social distancing
– Untrained and inappropriate management of face masks is common
– Masks worn imperfectly are dangerous
– Masks collect and colonize viruses, bacteria and mold
– Wearing a face mask makes the exhaled air go into the eyes
– Contact tracing studies show that asymptomatic carrier transmission is very rare
– Face masks and stay at home orders prevent the development of herd immunity
– Face masks are dangerous and contraindicated for a large number of people with pre-existing medical conditions and disabilities

Oh yes. According to the past president of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Lee Merritt, MD, typical ear loop “masks will not provide any protection against COVID-19 (coronavirus) or other viruses or contaminants” in that the viruses are too small for a typical mask. Just like we don’t use a chain link fence to keep out mosquitos, so too masks don’t keep out viruses. Worse, a review of scientific reports, up to February 2021, suggests that universal masking seriously harms people and society without any notable benefit. The author of the review, Denis G. Rancourt, points out multiple ways masks inflict damage and undermine our health. Some of the mask-related adverse health effects reported in a systematic review and meta-analysis were discomfort, irritation, psychological impact, and mask contamination. Pathogens can rapidly accumulate in improperly used masks, and can actually increase the risk of spreading viruses – including SARS-CoV-2 – to others. And what masks are doing to children – who now have more suicide deaths than Covid deaths – is disgusting: Says NaturalHealth 365 “The psychological and developmental implications of mask-wearing are particularly detrimental to children. Numerous studies show that face masks impair face recognition, verbal and non-verbal communication, block emotional signaling and diminish children’s ability to bond and emotionally connect with others.” As of this report in April, 2021 (numbers change monthly, but the reality will not) CDC stats tell us a total of 134 children under the age of 15 died in the USA from COVID. In contrast for the 2019–2020 flu season, 188 children died from the annual flu.). 134 out of around 28,171 kids that age who have died altogether in the past year. I slept through junior high math class, but if you divide 134 by 28,171, that’s 0.45%. And no doubt of those 134 kids, there is no doubt most, if not all, had serious co-morbidities.

More to follow!


(Charity) McMaster University; Bill Gates; Future Of Canada Project; Nexus For Infectious Diseases

McMaster University, located in Hamilton, ON, is a registered charity. Beyond that, there some interesting things about it that are worth covering. Many questions need to be answered/

Even though McMaster is a school in Ontario, its “charitable operations” go on in dozens of countries across the world. Looking at some of its recent financial information from the Canada Revenue Agency:

Operations Outside Canada
41 countries

  • OMAN
  • PERU

April 2016 Financial Information
Receipted donations $19,830,823.00 (2.08%)
Non-receipted donations $40,427.00 (0.00%)
Gifts from other registered charities $14,732,570.00 (1.54%)
Government funding $406,414,303.00 (42.58%)
All other revenue $513,390,877.00 (53.79%)
Total revenue: $954,409,000.00

Charitable programs $900,233,769.00 (97.27%)
Management and administration $19,971,238.00 (2.16%)
Fundraising $5,107,992.00 (0.55%)
Political activities $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $166,644.00 (0.02%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $925,479,643.00

Professional and consulting fees: $17,739,375.00
Compensated full-time positions:
$350,000 and over: 10

April 2017 Financial Information
Receipted donations $21,327,902.00 (1.95%)
Non-receipted donations $19,777.00 (0.00%)
Gifts from other registered charities $11,713,156.00 (1.07%)
Government funding $406,419,787.00 (37.18%)
All other revenue $653,674,378.00 (59.80%)
Total revenue: $1,093,155,000.00

Charitable programs $940,084,196.00 (97.51%)
Management and administration $18,669,883.00 (1.94%)
Fundraising $5,161,921.00 (0.54%)
Political activities $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $188,122.00 (0.02%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)

Professional and consulting fees: $15,270,211.00
Compensated full-time positions:
$350,000 and over: 10

April 2018 Financial Information
Receipted Donations $28,195,811.00 (2.54%)
Non-receipted donations $24,210.00 (0.00%)
Gifts from other registered charities $10,048,610.00 (0.91%)
Government funding $415,125,450.00 (37.41%)
All other revenue $656,153,919.00 (59.14%)
Total revenue: $1,109,548,000.00

Charitable programs $961,418,445.00 (97.53%)
Management and administration $19,244,819.00 (1.95%)
Fundraising $5,055,736.00 (0.51%)
Political activities $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $89,275.00 (0.01%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $985,808,275.00

Professional and consulting fees: $15,462,907.00
Compensated full-time positions:
$350,000 and over: 10

April 2019 Financial Information
Receipted donations $23,270,581.00 (1.95%)
Non-receipted donations $18,348.00 (0.00%)
Gifts from other registered charities $12,121,901.00 (1.02%)
Government funding $425,547,839.00 (35.67%)
All other revenue $732,051,331.00 (61.36%)
Total revenue: $1,193,010,000.00

Charitable programs $1,009,277,253.00 (97.41%)
Management and administration $21,506,655.00 (2.08%)
Fundraising $5,234,092.00 (0.51%)
Political activities $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $80,349.00 (0.01%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $1,036,098,349.00

Professional and consulting fees: $15,506,579.00
Compensated full-time positions:
$350,000 and over: 10

April 2020 Financial Information
Receipted donations $21,381,040.00 (1.84%)
Non-receipted donations $10,738.00 (0.00%)
Gifts from other registered charities $15,237,139.00 (1.31%)
Government funding $429,859,247.00 (37.03%)
All other revenue $694,481,836.00 (59.82%)
Total revenue: $1,160,970,000.00

Charitable programs $1,040,103,095.00 (97.31%)
Management and administration $23,068,981.00 (2.16%)
Fundraising $5,500,725.00 (0.51%)
Political activities $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $83,868.00 (0.01%)
Total expenses: $1,068,900,000.00

Professional and consulting fees: $17,478,767.00
Compensated full-time positions:
$350,000 and over: 10

In addition to being a billion dollar enterprise, this “charity” pays its top Executives over $350,000/year. Perhaps that contributes to tuition being as expensive as it is.

Link to search IRS charity tax records:

Let’s clarify here: there are actually 2 separate entities. The Foundation is the group that distributes money to various organizations and institutions. The Foundation Trust, however, is concerned primarily about asset management.

EIN: 56-2618866

EIN: 91-1663695

McMaster claimed to have isolated the virus that causes Covid-19. That’s very interesting, considering that when Fluoride Free Peel did a freedom of information request for it, there were no records available.

A cynic might wonder if $21 million in donations from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to McMaster might have had anything to do with that isolation issue.

Bit of a side note: Kashif Pirzada, one of the “TV experts” on the news calling for repressive medical tyranny, is a Professor at McMaster University.

The Lung Health Foundation and Canada’s Global Nexus for Pandemics and Biological Threats have partnered to provide Canadians with evidence-based, timely information on COVID-19 vaccine efficacy, infectious respiratory diseases and other public health measures put in place to manage risk and improve peoples’ health.

Canada’s Global Nexus researchers, based at McMaster University, will provide data and evidence about pandemic topics that will be used by the Lung Health Foundation in customized public education and awareness tools to strengthen Canadians’ understanding of how to protect themselves, their loved ones and their communities.

These public education materials will include accurate layperson summaries and infographics and may evolve into public discussion roundtables, policy briefings and advocacy activities. The two partners will explore topics ranging from vaccine approval and rollout to diagnostic testing capacity and economic and social policies.

“Canadians are bombarded with mass information and misinformation about COVID-19 daily, leaving too many with uncertainty and confusion,” says Peter Glazier, Executive Vice President of the Lung Health Foundation. “Together with Canada’s Global Nexus for Pandemics and Biological Threats, the Lung Health Foundation will provide the clear, consistent and fact-based information Canadians can trust to help stay safe and make informed decisions about vaccines.”

Collaboration is key to success, says Gerry Wright, lead, Canada’s Global Nexus for Pandemics and Biological Threats at McMaster University. Wright is a global expert in antibiotic resistance and scientific director of McMaster’s Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research.

McMaster is partnering on a number of different issues, such as combatting what they deem to be “misinformation“. Of course, there is a significant conflict of interest, since McMaster’s people will also be doing some of the modelling and advance vaccine research.

If this “pandemic” were to end, a lot of people would find themselves out of work.

There is also the Future of Canada Project, which acts as a form of thinktank to promote different visions for where Canada should end up in recent years. Its Council includes Lloyd Axworthy, and several “journalists” such as Peter Mansbridge.

McMaster is also very involved in advancing the vaccine agenda. Funny how terms like “interim authorization” and “manufacturer indemnification” seem noticeably absent from the conversation.

The details are too extensive to cover in a single article, but there is a lot more to this university than meets the eye.

One of the firms managing McMaster’s endowment fund (gifts and donations), is Blackrock, which owns SNC Lavalin, and has ties to the CCP.

Just remember, whenever someone donates to this institution, it is considered a charitable contribution for tax purposes. That means that the public is forced to subsidized these payments.

What’s really going on at McMaster?

(2) McMaster University Charity Details, CRA

(Charity) University Of Toronto “Institute For Pandemics” Funded By Millers, Merck, Run By Ontario Science Table

Remember those conspiracy nuts saying this was never going to end? The University of Toronto Institute for Pandemics was launched in 2020. It hosts many of the same players from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, and the Ontario Science Table, such as Adalsteinn Brown, David Fisman and Colin Furness.

Fun fact: University of Toronto has several registered charities tied to its name. Much more on that later.

COVID-19, SARS and other urgent health threats began in animals. It’s time to drop misleading distinctions between human and animal health. Our underpinning “one health” approach considers human, animal and environmental health together.

Read between the lines on this. Not only is this meant to be about human health, but “fighting climate change” could easily be worked into the narrative.

The cause of pandemics is complex; beyond any single government or world body to address. But the opportunities are equally strong, if we can couple technological advances with an intimate knowledge of health systems, economics, the intersectional social determinants of health — and the credibility to influence change amid a historic crisis of trust in governments and the media. Universities must play a central role if we are to mitigate the human suffering and economic devastation caused by pandemics.

This group also promotes the globalist narrative that no country can do this on their own. There is also the implicit declaration that they will try to influence how the media perceives Government. This comes across as pushing propaganda.

The same self-declared “Ontario Science Table” experts who advocate for stripping the rights of Ontarians away will now be doing it directly from the U of T. As shown earlier, there is no real independence, either from Government, or the World Health Organization. It’s quite the rabbit hole.

This “institute” was started up thanks to a $1 million donation from the Vohra-Miller Foundation. About the couple that heads it:

Sabina Vohra-Miller graduated from the University of Toronto, with both a Bachelors and Masters in the pharmaceutical studies. She then spent several years in that field before starting up the Vohra-Miller Foundation with her husband. She co-founded the South Asian Health Network, which pushes vaccines and anti-racism, and founded Unambiguous Science, a website that pushes vaccines. She’s now on the Advisory Table of the Institute for Pandemics.

It’s a bit disturbing that Sabina either misrepresents (or simply is unaware) that these “vaccines” are not approved. They were given interim authorization for emergency use. But her website does little except shill and promote them.

Craig Miller spent years with Kijiji, which is an eBay company. He then moved on to Shopify, leaving in 2020. A few side notes: (a) eBay was founded by Pierre Omidyar, who was been involved in social change, and a “more informed media”; and (b) Shopify was contracted to make a contact tracing app with the Federal Government.

Craig also publicly pushes the climate change narrative. It will be interesting to see if (or how) the Institute for Pandemics will incorporate that into their agenda.

Both of them seem to have ties to organizations that will benefit from prolonging this “pandemic”.

Merck Canada’s $3-million investment will help the centre’s diverse mix of public health researchers to better understand the decision-making of individuals and communities around whether and when to receive immunizations. With expertise in vaccine science, social and behavioural health, equity and health systems, the centre’s faculty members will produce scientific research to aid the Ontario government, policy-makers and public health advocates around the world in increasing public knowledge of and access to immunizations.

Also consider that Merck Canada (the drug company) donated $3 million to the Institute for Pandemics. From their perspective, it makes sense. More pandemics mean a larger market for more drugs. Of course, with tax rebates from the Canada Revenue Agency, this $3 million gift will cost considerably less. This school has quite a few pharma donors.

It was covered previously how several current Medical Officers of Health are either Professors at U of T, or have other ties to the school. This sets up an obvious conflict of interest.

  • Barbara Yaffe – Ontario Deputy Medical Officer
  • Eileen De Villa – Toronto Chief Medical Officer
  • Vinita Dubey – Toronto Associate Medical Officer of Health
  • Lisa Berger – Toronto Associate Medical Officer of Health
  • Christine Navarro – Toronto Associate Medical Officer of Health
  • Avis Lynn Noseworthy – Medical Officer of Health for the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge
  • Vera Etches – Ottawa Deputy Medical Officer of Health
  • Brent Moloughney – Ottawa Associate Medical Officer
  • Lawrence C. Loh – Peel Medical Officer of Health
  • Hamidah Meghani – Halton Region Medical Health Officer
  • Nicola Mercer – Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Medical Officer (U of T Medical School)
  • Mustafa Hirji – Niagara Acting Medical Officer of Health (U of T graduate)
  • Elizabeth Richardson – Hamilton Medical Officer of Health (U of T graduate)

Adalsteinn Brown is the head of the Ontario Science Table, and the Institute for Pandemics. He also runs the Dalla Lana School for Public Health. This effectively means he is the boss of other Professors in that Department. How will the power dynamics work here, as these MOH are supposed to be independent?

Moreover, there are other U of T Professors on the Science Table and the Institute for Pandemics. Will these create conflicts with the MOH, and their dual roles? Why isn’t all of this publicly discussed?

  • Students’ Alzheimer’s Alliance at the University of Toronto (SAAUT)
  • Scholarship Bursary & Education Committee Medical Alumni Association of University of Toronto
  • Student Christian Movement in the University of Toronto
  • The Encumeical Chaplaincy at the University of Toronto
  • The Governing Council of the University of Toronto
  • Trust Under Will of Reuben W Leonard for University of Toronto
  • University of Toronto International Health Program (UTIHP)
  • University of Toronto Community Radio Inc.
  • University of Toronto Schools

Interesting bit of information: there isn’t just 1 charity tied to U of T. There are 9 of them. However, only a few of them are of concern for this article. The Governing Council of the University is by far the biggest one. In their recent tax filings, this NGO claimed to be financing work and research globally. These include:

-(Other countries in Europe)
-(Other countries in Asia and Oceania)
-(Other countries in Africa)

So much for being a Canadian school. Now, how much money are they actually taking in and spending each year?

April 2016 Financial Details
Receipted donations $98,554,359.00 (3.44%)
Non-receipted donations $6,357,259.00 (0.22%)
Gifts from other registered charities $37,404,382.00 (1.31%)
Government funding $992,767,454.00 (34.65%)
All other revenue $1,730,060,546.00 (60.38%)
Total revenue: $2,865,144,000.00

Charitable programs $2,786,557,000.00 (96.35%)
Management and administration $75,834,000.00 (2.62%)
Fundraising $29,755,000.00 (1.03%)
Political activities $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $2,892,146,000.00

Professional and consulting fees: $50,151,000.00
Compensated full-time positions:
$350,000 and over: 10

April 2017 Financial Details
Receipted donations $76,270,736.00 (2.21%)
Non-receipted donations $21,064,207.00 (0.61%)
Gifts from other registered charities $39,602,057.00 (1.15%)
Government funding $1,026,938,285.00 (29.72%)
All other revenue $2,291,696,715.00 (66.32%)
Total revenue: $3,455,572,000.00

Charitable programs $2,232,398,000.00 (95.10%)
Management and administration $82,954,000.00 (3.53%)
Fundraising $32,057,000.00 (1.37%)
Political activities $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $2,347,409,000.00

Professional and consulting fees: $21,059,000.00
Compensated full-time positions:
$350,000 and over: 10

April 2018 Financial Details
Receipted donations $87,273,828.00 (2.51%)
Non-receipted donations $10,522,417.00 (0.30%)
Gifts from other registered charities $69,132,755.00 (1.99%)
Government funding $1,015,747,096.00 (29.20%)
All other revenue $2,295,824,904.00 (66.00%)
Total revenue: $3,478,501,000.00

Charitable programs $2,860,114,000.00 (95.57%)
Management and administration $99,245,000.00 (3.32%)
Fundraising $33,278,000.00 (1.11%)
Political activities $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $2,992,637,000.00

Professional and consulting fees: $36,903,000.00
Compensated full-time positions:
$350,000 and over: 10

April 2019 Financial Details
Receipted donations $92,734,000.00 (2.53%)
Non-receipted donations $11,603,000.00 (0.32%)
Gifts from other registered charities $37,350,000.00 (1.02%)
Government funding $1,076,131,000.00 (29.34%)
All other revenue $2,449,795,000.00 (66.80%)
Total revenue: $3,667,613,000.00

Charitable programs $3,014,525,000.00 (95.39%)
Management and administration $110,505,000.00 (3.50%)
Fundraising $35,294,000.00 (1.12%)
Political activities $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $3,160,324,000.00

Professional and consulting fees: $41,934,000.00
Compensated full-time positions:
$350,000 and over: 10

April 2020 Financial Details
Receipted donations $63,712,000.00 (1.80%)
Non-receipted donations $11,664,000.00 (0.33%)
Gifts from other registered charities $44,316,000.00 (1.25%)
Government funding $1,044,854,000.00 (29.51%)
All other revenue $2,375,684,000.00 (67.11%)
Total revenue: $3,540,230,000.00

Charitable programs $3,414,276,000.00 (95.92%)
Management and administration $110,186,000.00 (3.10%)
Fundraising $35,025,000.00 (0.98%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $3,559,487,000.00

Professional and consulting fees: $47,072,000.00
Compensated full-time positions:
$350,000 and over: 10

The Governing Council of the University takes in some $3 billion annually. They also pay their Executives very, very well. But it’s easier to do when the donations received are subsidized by the public.

It’s worth pointing out that this “charity” operates plenty of programs abroad. This is likely since many of their donors have interests abroad. A more detailed look at their financials would be appreciated, but here are some of the more generous ones listed by the school.

Is all of this going towards education and research? Or is it to be used to justify draconian measures UNDER THE PRETENSE of education and research?

(17) University Of Toronto Governing Council