6 Months In, No Progress Whatsoever In High Profile Toronto Anti-Mask/Anti-Vaxx Lawsuit


On August 13, 2020, the CBC published an article covering the July 6 lawsuit against them. Included was the line: “CBC RECENTLY OBTAINED UNREDACTED COPY”. This implies that they were never properly served with the Complaint. Is that the case, or is CBC twisting the facts?

This is a follow-up to an article covering the lack of progress in a well-known Toronto lawsuit, filed in Ontario Superior Court on July 6, 2020, (CV-20-006434510000). It seems even now, no movement is happening.

Keep in mind, this was sold as an urgent matter. Lockdowns (or martial law), were destroying businesses, masks were making people sick, and basic rights were being denied. Now, the vaccines are here, and have been administered over the last few weeks.

1. Searching Ontario Court Records

One of the few benefits in this is that in Ontario, it’s now easier to SEARCH for court filings. Looking for a particular case, we find no apparent action taking place.

Windsor-Essex County and their Medical Officer, Wajid Ahmed, are represented by John-Pierre Karam. There is no listing of representation for any other Defendant. It doesn’t appear that there are any hearings scheduled, nor defenses filed.

The question has to be asked: has everyone been served?

Be aware, this is not minor. The suit asks for $11 million in damages plus costs. Presumably, the Parties being sued would take this very seriously.

2. Contacting The Ontario Court Directly

In reaching out to the Ontario Superior Court (Civil Division in Toronto), some very interesting information was learned.

There was a single Notice of Intent to Defend (not an actual defense), filed on September 30, 2020, on behalf of Wajid Ahmed and Windsor-Essex County. Those are the only 2 Parties named. There is nothing else filed with the Court related to that case.

To play devil’s advocate: it’s theoretically possible that all Parties might stand behind a single one, who would then file all the paperwork. But if that’s the case, this is a strange choice. The Windsor-Essex County Medical Officer is small potatoes in the scheme of things. A far more logical choice would be the Attorney General of Canada and/or Ontario, who are required to be named anyway.

3. Question Of Royal Prerogative

This might be nitpicking, but page 4 of the Claim lists Trudeau and the Federal Crown as “dispensing with Parliament, under the pretense of Royal Prerogative”. Isn’t that the Governor General who exercises Royal Prerogative?

4. Most Service Addresses Missing

This isn’t selective editing. These are all the addresses for service listed on the Statement of Claim. They are for:
(A) Attorney General of Canada
(B) Attorney General of Ontario
(C) John Tory and City of Toronto
(D) Dr. Wajid Ahmed
(E) Dr. Nicola Mercer

It isn’t that just 1 or 2 are omitted. That could easily be dismissed as a careless error. Instead, it’s just these, and a strange group at that.

The Wajid Ahmed (of Windsor-Essex County) is the same one who filed a Notice of Intent to Defend with regards to this case. There are no service addresses for:
(a) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
(b) Federal Health Minister Patty Hajdu
(c) Transport Minister Marc Garneau
(d) PHOC Theresa Tam
(e) Ontario Premier Doug Ford
(f) Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott
(g) Ontario Education Minister Stephen Lecce
(h) Ontario Chief Medical Officer David Williams
(i) Toronto Chief Medical Officer Eileen De Villa
(j) The CBC

There are also no specific service addresses listed for the following Defendants. In fairness, however, they could be sent to the same addresses as others listed:
(k) Her Majesty in Right of Canada
(l) Her Majesty in Right of Ontario
(m) Windsor-Essex County
(n) County of Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph

Yes, there are a lot of Defendants, however, it is standard practice to list an address for everyone named in the Complaint.

5. CBC Responds To Vaccine Choice Lawsuit

The second line is telling: “Aylmer, Ont.-based anti-vaccination group filed suit in July, but CBC recently obtained unredacted copy”.

Obtained an unredacted copy? Does this imply they were never served? Isn’t this something they should have received when served by a process server? Did that ever happen?

More from the CBC:

Other claims made in the lawsuit are unrelated to the coronavirus pandemic.

“Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology report the development of a novel way to record a patient’s vaccination history by using smartphone-readable nano crystals called ‘quantum dots,’ embedded in the skin using micro-needles. In short, a vaccine chip embedded in the body. This work and research are funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,” the lawsuit said.

The statement of claim includes a timeline that begins in the year 2000 when Bill Gates steps down as the head of Microsoft to start the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It also states Gates expects a “‘twenty-fold’ return on his $10 billion vaccine investment within the next few decades.”

Included in the timeline are references to the Chinese military, 5G networks, international vaccine programs and the Rockefeller Foundation as relevant to the creation and spread of the coronavirus, but the lawsuit isn’t clear on how.

Shelley said including such references in the statement of claim without providing supporting scientific evidence could ultimately be what gets the suit dismissed before it goes to trial under Ontario’s rules of civil procedure.

This is actually a very valid point. While challenging the validity of various measures is one thing, proving a global conspiracy in Court is quite another.

While there is certainly collusion — this site covered it extensively — proving such a thing would be a Herculean task. A frank discussion on how that might happen would be very nice. Proving in court is quite different than proving in the media.

Also from the CBC article:

CBC News reached out multiple times to Galati, who is listed as the spokesperson for the lawsuit in a press release issued by Vaccine Choice Canada. He spoke with a reporter last Wednesday but did not agree to an on-the-record interview.

Galati told CBC News he would be available last Thursday for a recorded interview but did not respond to requests for comment on Thursday or the following Monday.

The CBC has also been named as a defendant in the lawsuit for allegedly propagating misinformation and “false news” about the coronavirus crisis.

Vaccine Choice Canada has also issued an intent to sue the CBC over other coverage relating to the anti-vaccination and anti-mask movements.

The CBC claims they reached out for an on-the-record interview, multiple times. Instead, they were offered a press release. Seems bizarre, since lack of media coverage is an issue that Vaccine Choice routinely complains about.

The CBC also alleges they were threatened with other legal action over how they cover the anti-vaxx/anti-mask movements. Presumably this is a Section 5 Libel Notice?! Perhaps this is why the CBC refuses to further cover this case.

And to reiterate from earlier: “CBC OBTAINED a copy”? Were they not served one, being a Defendant in this case? Come to think of it, who actually has been served?

Now, the CBC could be lying, or distorting what was said. However, they are putting it out there. They imply they were never served, and offered to do a public interview, which was declined.

6. Rancourt An Expert And Plaintiff?!

Denis Rancourt is a Plaintiff, but his listed credentials imply that he is being set up to be an Expert as well. If this gets to trial, will Rancourt be called as one?

On page 41 of the Statement of Claim, it’s cited (and most likely true), that YouTube took down 3 of his videos. This is frustrating, and an act of censorship. However, this isn’t relevant to the case unless they plan to sue Google as well, or connect it to the other Defendants.

On page 42, it’s alleged that CBC refused to give Rancourt airtime, or to share the views of any other dissenting expert.

Interesting, in that after CBC “obtained a copy” of the lawsuit, they claim that they were willing to have an on the record interview about the case. Or was it just with the lawyer?

7. Resumption Of Court Time Limits

In early December, Vaccine Choice posted an update on their website, offering an explanation why nothing had happened so far in their case.

Note: The Superior Court of Justice suspended all regular operations effective March 17, 2020. Some operations of the court were resumed on September 14, 2020. Due to the suspension of operations, the period of time for the defendants to file a statement of defence was also suspended.

However, the Ontario Superior Court seems to say something different. It says that limitation periods (deadlines to file), that had been previously suspended had now resumed. Even with that factored in, some kind of reply should have come in by early October.

The Ontario government has announced that, on September 14, 2020, any limitation and time periods suspended under Ontario Regulation 73/20 will resume. For further information, please consult the government’s news release and Ontario Regulation 457/20.

And one was (sort of). This was the Notice of Intent from Windsor-Essex County and their Chief Medical Officer, but no one else, and no other documents.

Limitation periods aside, an obvious question must be asked: why was no Notice of Application for injunctive relief ever filed? This could have been done at any time.

8. Others Have Gotten Into Court Quickly

Canadian Appliance Source LP v. Ontario (Attorney General), 2020 ONSC 7665 (CanLII)
Hudson’s Bay Company ULC v. Ontario (Attorney General), 2020 ONSC 8046 (CanLII)

Canadian Appliance Source and HBC both got hearings within days of Applications being filed. Both were ultimately denied, but they were able to get their day in Court quickly.

These 2 companies were not the only ones who attempted to get their livelihoods back, but they are Ontario cases, and done recently.

So why hasn’t Vaccine Choice Canada filed for injunctive relief? Keep in mind, injunctive relief (masks, vaccines, shutdowns, social distancing….) was specifically included in the Statement of Claim, in addition to declarative relief. Presumably, getting an Application (or more than 1), was always part of the plan.

Worth pointing out, this isn’t their first rodeo. A challenge was brought in October 2019, against forced vaccines for Ontario students, (CV-19-00629810-0000). That case also seems to have stalled.

9. More Questions Than Answers In Case

This case made headlines in July, especially among alternative media circles. Donations have poured in, and are rumoured to be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. That being said, there are many hard questions that need to be asked:

Have all the Defendants been served in this case? When? Why did CBC talk about “obtaining an unredacted copy”, rather than being served?

Do other Defendants have any interest in filing a response?
Do any other Defendants have lawyers?

Why has no Defense, or Motion to Strike been filed? It stretches the mind to think they would potentially want a Default Judgement.

Hypothetically, if the Statement of Claim does get struck, will a rewrite be done? An appeal? Or will that be the end of the matter?

Did CBC offer in good faith a public interview?
If so, how come it never happened?
Were threats of other lawsuits were levied against the CBC?

Were threats of lawsuits levied against others?

Why has there been no masking injunction attempt?
How come HBC and CAS were able to get in so quickly?

Are there any talks going on behind the scenes?

Is there a realistic prospect of proving the allegations in Court? Even the more “conspiracy” minded claims cited?

Why does there appear to be no urgency?

How much money has been raised by Vaccine Choice Canada?
What will happen to the donations?

No Movement On Toronto Anti-Mask Case

On July 6th, 2020 the case was filed in Toronto (CV-20-00643451-0000). However, there has been no movement or announcements. There are no appearances scheduled with the court. This was confirmed in a phone call with the Toronto Court.

September 30th, 2020, a notice of intent to defend, (not an actual defense), filed on behalf of Windsor-Essex County, and Wajid Ahmed, their Chief Medical Officer.
-Nothing for Government of Canada
-Nothing for Justin Trudeau
-Nothing for Theresa Tam
-Nothing for Patty Hajdu
-Nothing for Marc Garneau
-Nothing for Government of Ontario
-Nothing for Doug Ford
-Nothing for Christine Elliott
-Nothing for Toronto
-Nothing for John Tory
-Nothing for the CBC
-Nothing for any other defendant

Since there is no movement, and won’t be for the foreseeable future, it would be in the public interest to know what’s being done with their donations.

This is actually the second case. There was a much, much smaller one originating in late 2019, regarding vaccines in schools. (CV-19-00629810-0000)

October 24, 2019 – Statement of Claim was filed.
January 3, 2020 – Statement of Defense was filed.
March 10, 2020 – Reply was filed.

Nothing else has happened in that case either.
Both appear to be in limbo.

A Case For Tort Reform: “Free-Speech” Grifters Want $5 Million

(Peterson interview after suing)

(Peterson announcing lawsuit to follow Shepherd)

(Pedantic Shepherd, YouTube is beside the point)

(Shepherd sues, then complains about being sued)

Background Information

The details of the Wilfrid Laurier University scandal (Lindsay Shepherd, the 3 staff members, and Jordan Peterson), is old news at this point. The article just focuses on the lawsuits brought against WLU and its staff by Peterson and Shepherd.

It is the opinion here that although the facts alleged are basically true, the claims are fraudulent. They are combined seeking 5 million dollars (Shepherd $3.6, Peterson $1.5M). This is an abuse of the court system, and a way to unjustly enrich themselves.

Keep in mind, Peterson’s only claim to damages was that the tape defamed him (comparing him to Hitler, and other comments). His critics were vilified by the media. He suffered no actual damage, other than being named in a tape that Shepherd released.

Shepherd claims that not only was this 42 minute meeting difficult (surely it was), but that she was never treated the same way again. She cites a few examples, but nothing that would lead a reasonable person to think this would be worth millions in damages. Shepherd claims to be unemployable in academia, but her new love for media probably helped that.

Did WLU staff act like d*****bags? YES
Were inappropriate things said? YES
Was a tape of this leaked to the media? YES
Does any of this amount to millions in damages? NO

Complete Hypocrisy

During the Louder With Crowder interview, Peterson (at 50:20) criticizes the Ontario Human Rights Code for automatically making employers vicariously liable for things employees say. However, he has no issue with USING vicarious liability in order to name the University in his lawsuit.

Peterson claimed that it was libel for Rambukkana to compare him to Hitler, yet Peterson compares trans activists to Communists, who have caused the deaths of millions of people.

Peterson has come to fame claiming to be a free speech champion, but has no issue deplatforming speakers he doesn’t agree with. Faith Goldy is a particularly bad example.

Shepherd and Peterson both claim to be free speech champions, but then sue over words they don’t like.

Karma In All Of This?

In 2018, Shepherd launched a $3.6 million lawsuit against Wilfrid Laurier University and 3 of its staff (Nathan Rambukkana, Herbert Pimlott, and Adria Joel). Although the infamous meeting was cited, there were other problems occurring later which were cited in the statement of defense.

Jordan Peterson filed a $1.5 million lawsuit of his own, claiming that Laurier hadn’t learned its lesson. Peterson claimed that the infamous tape had damaged his reputation.

Regarding Peterson’s claim, the WLU filed a 3rd party claim (Form 29A). It stated that if Peterson actually had suffered damages, he should be suing Lindsay Shepherd, as she made the tape secretly and released it.

Shepherd was outraged. After filing a lawsuit against her university, she is shocked that they would use her as a defence in a related lawsuit. She brought this on herself.

WLU should consider Rule 2.1.01

Some Law On Frivilous Proceedings

Rule 2.1 General Powers to Stay or Dismiss if Vexatious, etc.
Stay, Dismissal of frivolous, vexatious, abusive Proceeding
Order to Stay, Dismiss Proceeding
2.1.01 (1) The court may, on its own initiative, stay or dismiss a proceeding if the proceeding appears on its face to be frivolous or vexatious or otherwise an abuse of the process of the court. O. Reg. 43/14, s. 1

Although litigation tends to drag on a long time, something like this should be used. The litigation (particularly Peterson’s) is an abuse of process.

Ontario Libel & Slander Act

1 (1) In this Act,
“broadcasting” means the dissemination of writing, signs, signals, pictures and sounds of all kinds, intended to be received by the public either directly or through the medium of relay stations, by means of,
(a) any form of wireless radioelectric communication utilizing Hertzian waves, including radiotelegraph and radiotelephone, or
(b) cables, wires, fibre-optic linkages or laser beams,
and “broadcast” has a corresponding meaning; (“radiodiffusion ou télédiffusion”, “radiodiffuser ou télédiffuser”)
“newspaper” means a paper containing public news, intelligence, or occurrences, or remarks or observations thereon, or containing only, or principally, advertisements, printed for distribution to the public and published periodically, or in parts or numbers, at least twelve times a year. (“journal”) R.S.O. 1990, c. L.12, s. 1 (1).

Wilfrid Laurier and its 3 staff members did not do this. Shepherd did. She released the recording to the media, with the intent of making it widely distributed. So Rambukkana and Pimlott have a valid point. If Peterson did suffer damages, it was caused by Lindsay Shepherd.

Yes, Rambukkana and Pimlott were unprofessional for making the comments in the first place. However, it is clear they never meant to be recorded.

There is also some ambiguity as to the Statute of Limitations, whether it would be 3 months, or 2 years. If it is 3 months, then it has already lapsed.

Some Canadian Cases

Here is Hill v Church of Scientology of Toronto (1995), which dropped “actual malice” as a requirement.

Here is Grant v Torstar (2009), which created an exception for responsible journalism.

Here is Crookes v Newton (2011), which ruled that linking, or hyperlinking stories does not count as publishing.

However, all of this may be irrelevant, since it was Shepherd who SECRETLY recorded the meeting, and then chose to publish it WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT of the other parties.

Ontario’s Bill 52

Not sure if this would be relied on in the proceedings, but in 2015, the Ontario Government passed Bill 52 on this subject. Interesting is section 137.1

Dismissal of proceeding that limits debate
Rejet d’une instance limitant les débats
137.1 (1) The purposes of this section and sections 137.2 to 137.5 are,
(a) to encourage individuals to express themselves on matters of public interest;
(b) to promote broad participation in debates on matters of public interest;
(c) to discourage the use of litigation as a means of unduly limiting expression on matters of public interest; and
(d) to reduce the risk that participation by the public in debates on matters of public interest will be hampered by fear of legal action.

Final Thoughts On This

The topic of tort reform is a popular one in recent years, particularly in the United States. Putting a cap on maximum damages, or making it harder to collect on bogus claims is a goal worth pursuing.

Any google or online search of “tort reform” will lead to an almost endless number of matches.

This is not at all to say that a person should “never” go to civil court. If an employer doesn’t pay your wages, or your property is damaged, or bills are not paid, then litigation can be a very valid path. Admittedly, “reasonable” is very subjective. However, most people can agree that one must suffer actual damages to go to court.

However, Shepherd and Peterson have both laid million dollar lawsuits because people said mean things to them. (Shepherd’s claim cites more detail). And hypocritically, both think nothing of mocking their detractors.

These 2 are not the free speech champions they pretend to be. Rather, they support free speech when it is convenient to do so. They are “free-speech grifters”.

Hard to feel sorry for her anymore.

(1) Jordan Peterson On United Nations sustainable Development Agenda
(2) Bill C-16, Gender Identity Bill In Canada
(3) Louder With Crowder interview
(4) Peterson & Cathy Newman
(5) Faith Goldy Deplatformed
(6) Deplatforming Faith Goldy At “Free Speech” Event
(7) https://www.identitygrifting.ca/
(8) Peterson announcing $1.5M lawsuit and WLU University and 3 employees
(9) Peterson Interview On Lawsuit (2:55)
(10) National Post article on WLU 3rd Party Defence
(11) Ontario Human Rights Code
(12) Ontario Court forms index.
(13) Ontario Rules of Civil Procedure
(14) Ontario Libel and Slander Act
(15) Hill v. Church of Scientology, 1995
(16) Ontario Bill 52, protecting expression in matters of public interest