Eugenics In Canada: 20% Of Babies Aborted In “Pro-Choice Movement”

Ever wonder just how much of the Canadian public has been lost due to “abortion” in recent decades? Considering the size and scale of this, it must be good business.

According to a compilation of data from the Federal Government, approximately 20% of pregnancies have ended in abortion. Of course, this relies on transparent reporting, so the number could be much higher. These totals exclude miscarriages and stillbirths.

For a good source on this data, visit Love4Life. There is a considerable amount of statistical data compiled, and it connects back to official Government sources.

Now, there are going to be some discrepancies in the data. This is partly because of incomplete reporting, and also because some sources have different numbers. Nonetheless, it should paint the picture quite gruesomely.

Let’s drop the spoiler here: there were over 4,222,858 abortions between 1970 and 2020. This isn’t a joke. Our “pro-choice” supporters and policies have literally killed millions of Canadians.

It’s also quite interesting that many of the same people are behind two (seemingly) opposing ideologies within Western countries. Then again, population replacement is just some racist conspiracy theory.

[1] Promote widespread abortion locally
[2] Promote mass immigration to counter falling birth rates

Anyhow, let’s look at some of these numbers:

*** The U.N. has some data prior to 1974, so that’s added in:

1970 11,200
1971 30,923
1973 43,201
1974 52,435
1975 53,705
1976 58,712
1977 59,864
1978 66,710
1979 69,745
1980 72,099
1981 71,911
1982 75,071
1983 69,368
1984 69,449
1985 69,216
1986 69,572
1987 70,023
1988 72,693
1989 79,315
1990 92,901
1991 95,059
1992 102,085
1993 104,403
1994 106,255
1995 108,248
1996 111,659
1997 111,709
1998 110,331
1999 105,666
2000 105,427
2001 106,418
2002 105,154
2003 103,768
2004 100,039
2005 96,815
2006 91,310
2007 98,762
2008 95,876
2009 93,755
2010 *64,641
2011 108,844
2012 100,958
2013 102,446
2014 100,194
2015 100,104
2016 97,764
2017 94,030
2018 85,294
2019 83,576
2020 74,155

**Note: data is combined from CIHI and Statistics Canada. The Canadian Institute for Health Information does have considerable recent data on abortion in this country.

*2010 is considered incomplete, since there wasn’t reporting from Quebec.

The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada also compiles recent statistics on abortion numbers here. (see archive). It’s actually pretty morbid to think about.

According to Statistics Canada, there were 1,375,774 abortions between the years of 1987 to 2000. This is a span of 14 years, and showed an average of about 98,000 abortions per year. This amounted to some 263 performed per day.

If we factor in the data from 1970 to 2020 (data from a few different tables), there were 4,222,858 abortions. This covers 51 years, and would be approximately 86,000 per year. Converted into daily totals, that means roughly 227 babies would have died, every single day.

Don’t worry, it’s about to get a lot more disgusting when the ages of the girls and women are taken into account. There are an awful lot of children getting abortions.

1974 52,435 0 623 7,937 7,868
1975 53,705 0 650 8,135 8,038
1976 58,712 0 717 8,551 8,764
1977 59,864 0 697 8,684 9,051
1978 66,710 0 642 9,228 10,453
1979 69,745 0 694 9,661 10,827
1980 72,099 0 613 9,650 11,115
1981 71,911 0 607 8,954 10,785
1982 75,071 0 586 8,463 11,073
1983 69,368 0 561 7,150 9,568
1984 69,449 0 504 6,887 8,996
1985 69,216 0 554 6,658 8,525
1986 69,572 0 430 6,636 8,497
1987 70,023 0 433 6,411 8,587
1988 72,693 0 424 6,361 8,916
1989 79,315 0 452 6,446 9,755
1990 92,901 0 597 7,635 10,639
1991 95,059 0 495 7,722 10,492
1992 102,085 0 580 8,153 11,037
1993 104,403 1 659 8,249 11,740
1994 106,255 338 526 8,386 12,371
1995 108,248 2,242 545 7,887 12,388
1996 111,659 2,439 532 8,117 13,021
1997 111,709 3,547 511 8,175 12,458
1998 110,331 3,832 464 7,741 13,118
1999 105,666 232 464 7,253 13,357
2000 105,427 219 389 7,369 10,611
2001 106,418 33 412 7,222 12,746
2002 105,154 17 337 6,381 12,626
2003 103,768 14 302 5,785 11,871
2004 100,039 5 304 5,974 10,964
2005 96,815 2 284 5,588 10,477
2006 91,310 156 267 5,608 9,609

Data available from Statistics Canada: 1987 to 2000. Another version, which goes from 1974 to 2006, is also available. There are a few discrepancies, but the total is still shocking.

It’s also worth pointing out that starting in 1994, there were large numbers of women getting abortions for which there was no age listed. Just a hunch, but most of them were probably either in the country illegally, or didn’t want to disclose that they were minors.

Also, these are just “official” statistics. It’s very likely that there are a lot more abortions that have gone on, and are unreported. And recently:

induced-abortion-2017-en-web (1)
induced-abortions-reported-in-canada-in-2019-en (1)

There were 100,104 abortions reported in 2015.
There were 97,764 reported in 2016.
There were 94,030 reported in 2017.
There were 85,294 reported in 2018.
There were 83,576 reported in 2019.
There were 74,155 reported in 2020.

But don’t worry. There are no doubt countless politicians and public figures working diligently to reverse this trend, right?

And what do “conservatives” in Canada have to say about this? They don’t seem to care about the millions who’ve died as a result of abortion. There’s no ideological issue with infanticide in general. However, they insist that babies not be killed simply because of their sex. This was Bill C-233, a Private Member’s Bill in the last session.

There are also major demographic implications for abortion on this scale, which needs to be addressed as well.

The topic of births and deaths is certainly important to consider. That said, including abortion — especially being so widespread — changes the dynamics considerably.

Note: Difference = Live Births – Total Deaths
Note: Per Day = (Difference)/365 or 366

Year Birth Deaths Diff Day
1991 402,533 195,569 206,964 567
1992 398,643 196,535 202,108 552
1993 388,394 204,912 183,482 503
1994 385,114 207,077 178,037 488
1995 378,016 210,733 167,283 458
1996 366,200 212,880 153,320 419
1997 348,598 215,669 132,929 364
1998 342,418 218,091 124,327 341
1999 337,249 219,530 117,719 323
2000 327,882 218,062 109,820 300
2001 333,744 219,538 114,206 313
2002 328,802 223,603 105,199 288
2003 335,202 226,169 109,033 299
2004 337,072 226,584 110,488 302
2005 342,176 230,132 112,044 307
2006 354,617 228,079 126,538 347
2007 367,864 235,217 132,647 363
2008 377,886 238,617 139,269 381
2009 380,863 238,418 142,445 390
2010 377,213 240,075 137,138 376
2011 377,636 243,511 134,125 367
2012 381,869 246,596 135,273 370
2013 380,323 252,338 127,985 350
2014 384,100 258,821 125,279 343
2015 382,392 264,333 118,059 323
2016 383,102 267,213 115,889 318
2017 379,450 276,689 102,761 281
2018 375,390 283,706 91,684 251

A few years back, it was covered how Canada had a growing population even without immigration. In fairness, it’s not clear how much of this was due to birth tourism. However, the rates weren’t plummeting as people were led to believe.

A quick and dirty estimation (based on births and abortions) would be that approximately 20% of the pregnancies — excluding miscarriages — ended up being aborted. This translated to 1 in 5.

1991 402,533 95,059 497,592 19.1%
1992 398,643 102,085 500,728 20.3%
1993 388,394 104,403 492,797 21.2%
1994 385,114 106,255 491,369 21.6%
1995 378,016 108,248 486,264 22.3%
1996 366,200 111,659 477,859 23.3%
1997 348,598 111,709 460,307 24.3%
1998 342,418 110,331 452,749 24.4%
1999 337,249 105,666 442,915 23.8%
2000 327,882 105,427 433,309 24.3%
2001 333,744 106,418 440,162 24.2%
2002 328,802 105,154 433,956 24.2%
2003 335,202 103,768 438,970 23.6%
2004 337,072 100,039 447,111 22.4%
2005 342,176 96,815 438,991 22.0%
2006 354,617 91,310 445,927 20.5%
2007 367,864 98,762 466,626 21.2%
2008 377,886 95,876 473,762 20.2%
2009 380,863 93,755 474,618 19.8%
2010 377,213 *64,641 441,854 *14.6%
2011 377,636 108,844 486,480 22.3%
2012 381,869 100,958 482,827 20.9%
2013 380,323 102,446 482,769 21.2%
2014 384,100 100,194 484,294 20.7%
2015 382,392 100,104 482,496 20.7%
2016 383,102 97,764 480,866 20.3%
2017 379,450 94,030 473,480 19.9%
2018 375,390 85,294 460,684 18.5%
2019 375,229 83,576 458,805 18.2%
2020 361,667 74,155 435,822 17.0%

*2010 is skewed, since Quebec didn’t fully report their totals.

This isn’t hyperbole to claim that 20% of pregnancies in recent years end with an abortion. Slaughtering large segments of future generations has been happening for decades.

Again, 4,222,858 abortions between 1970 and 2020, and that’s just Canada. Also, these are just the official figures. Factoring in the unreported, the number is likely much higher.

Don’t worry about the falling birth rates and the slaughter of Canadian children. After all, we can just import a replacement population in order to keep up.


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