The American College Health Foundation (ACHF), is promoting the “pandemic” narrative, and even trying to coordinate the mass vaccination of students. Why would it do that? Turns out, the ACHF is involved with different organizations who don’t have the public’s interests at heart.
A look at some of their donors is an instant red flag. Several health companies, which stand to profit, are listed. True, this list is from 2018, but it gives a look into it. And sitting as a top tier donor: Pfizer.
With this in mind, it should not be at all surprising that the ACHF promotes the mass vaccination of college students.
Mass Vaccination Clinic Guidance and Resources
The ACHA COVID-19 task force has gathered resources to assist members in planning for mass vaccination clinics. While currently the focus is on planning the administration of COVID-19 vaccine to large numbers of students and other members of the campus community, these resources and principles may be applied to the administration of any vaccine in a large-scale event. Guidance for supply, delivery, storage, and administration of the anticipated COVID-19 vaccine will come from the federal government and state, territorial, tribal, and local health departments and therefore will not be addressed in any specific way in this document.
In the current situation, it is critical that colleges and universities reach out to the appropriate public health authority so as to be included in the planning and distribution of the vaccine for students and other campus community members. College and university health services will then provide direction to and coordination with their campus partners in setting up systems to manage the details of the immunization plan.
Although specific guidance will be forthcoming from governmental agencies, college health professionals have an important role in encouraging high uptake of vaccines in the campus community.
COVID-19 vaccine mass vaccination events will require additional planning including:
The ACHF is fully behind the agenda of mass vaccinating young adults, but omits any mention of the relevant details:
- These vaccines are still undergoing testing
- These vaccines have “Emergency Use Authorization” and are not approved
- Manufacturers are exempt from liability
The ACHF prominently posts a link to the CDC or Center for Disease Control in the U.S. This page gives “Covid communications” advice, including how to talk to people about getting vaccinated. See below.

For some context, the CDC doesn’t completely function as a Government body, but receives private funding. Its fundraising arm, the CDC Foundation is “an independent nonprofit and the sole entity created by Congress to mobilize philanthropic and private-sector resources to support the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s critical health protection work”. It’s listed as 501(c)(3) charity. Top partner organizations and corporations are drug companies. A charitable interpretation would be to call it a public-private partnership.
Established by Congress more than two decades ago, the CDC Foundation is an independent, 501(c)(3) public charity.
One of the ACHF’s partners is Pharmedrix, a company that packages drugs and medicine. It’s also “licensed as a drug manufacturer with the State of California and registered as a drug manufacturer/repackager with both the Food and Drug Administration and the Drug Enforcement Administration”. Pharmedrix is listed as a “Diamond Level” donors to the ACHF.
Another partner of the ACHF is Pyramed Health. The specific “pandemic” services it offers include: (a) Case Management System; (b) Contact Tracing; (c) Zoom Integration; and (d) Custom Lab Interfaces. The current situation seems to have kept them very busy.
Also on the list is Aetna Health, an insurance broker, who also provides referrals to a variety of other health services.
Gallagher Koster, is another insurance company, and another top donor to the ACHF. Unsurprisingly, its target customers are college students.
This is hardly an exhaustive listing, the pattern is unmistakable: there is a lot of money tied up in poisoning people, without fully disclosing the risks. The American education industry seems to be no different.
(1) https://www.acha.org/
(2) https://www.acha.org/ACHA/Resources/COVID-19_Novel_Coronavirus/Mass_Vaccination_Guidance_and_Resources/ACHA/Resources/Topics/Mass_Vaccination_Clinic_Guidance_and_Resources.aspx?hkey=aa394485-cc39-417a-ab2e-bcddc24f14ed
(3) https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/health-systems-communication-toolkit.html
(4) https://www.cdcfoundation.org/our-story
(5) https://www.cdcfoundation.org/partner-list/foundations
(6) https://www.cdcfoundation.org/partner-list/corporations
(7) https://www.acha.org/documents/ACHF/ACHF_Donor_List_2018.pdf
(8) ACHF Top Donor Honour Roll 2018
(9) https://www.acha.org/documents/ACHF/Partners_for_Wellness_2017.pdf
(10) ACHF Partners For Wellness 2017
(11) http://www.pharmedixrx.com/
(12) https://pyramed-health.com/covid-19-solutions/
(13) https://www.aetnastudenthealth.com/en/main/about-us.html
(14) https://www.gallagherstudent.com/
(15) http://www.sdweissfoundation.com/programs/