Postmedia Gets Next Round Of “Pandemic Bucks” From Taxpayers In 2021

The Postmedia empire got its most recent batch of handouts on April 1, 2021. Any wonder that this organization is so consistently supportive of the Governments (Federal, Provincial, Municipal).

People like Lorrie Goldstein “claim” that they oppose having the public bail out the media industry, yet, these feelings aren’t strong enough to make him quit.

Just a thought on why he supports the vaxx agenda.

Clinton News Record $15,629
The Cochrane Times-Post $21,449
Drayton Valley Western Review $30,227
Exeter Lakeshore Times-Advance $42,191
The Fairview Post $19,984
Goderich Signal Star $53,353
Hanna Herald $11,724
Huron Expositor (Seaforth) $14,793
The Lucknow Sentinel $14,828
The Mayerthorpe Freelancer $12,288
The Mid-North Monitor $12,037
The Mitchell Advocate $33,859
The Nanton News $10,503
Ontario Farmer $817,081
The Pincher Creek Echo $12,273
Record-Gazette $16,080
Shoreline Beacon $30,263
The Standard (Elliot Lake) $39,545
The Vulcan Advocate $17,417
The Whitecourt Star $17,624
The Wiarton Echo $21,881

Wild idea, but maybe this is why Postmedia is still on board with Trudeau and Ford. The pandemic bucks are still coming in, and Postmedia continues to cash in. Can you really trust “journalists” who are being subsidized by the Government? Always be following the money.


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