New Proposed Grift Lawsuit Seeks $50,000 To Fight “Wokeness”

The newest grift has emerged within the “Freedom Movement”.

It’s a GiveSendGo page from Shaun Rickard, asking for $50,000 to commence legal action against the City of Pickering, Ontario. It states that residents are subjected to the “woke, tyrannical and censorial unlawfulness”, under the Mayor and City Council.

This would be considered public interest litigation. However, there are no specifics provided about what such a lawsuit involves. The remedies sought are not spelled out here.

Federal Lawsuit Against The City Of Pickering
THIS IS AN INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT LANDMARK FEDERAL LAWSUIT – On behalf of ALL Canadians residing in ALL municipalities across the country

No matter what municipality you live in across Canada, you are very likely experiencing & being subjected to the same woke, tyrannical and censorial unlawfulness that those who live in Pickering, Ontario are under their current Mayor and Council.

Providing that we are able to garner enough public support, this Federal lawsuit will set a precedent which would apply to ALL tyrannical overreaching municipal governments and city officials Canada-wide, especially those blatantly trampling on resident’s parental rights, charter rights and freedom of expression by way of sanctions and censoring their constituent’s voices and/or any form of public dissent.

It’s very important to remember that these city officials work for us, not the other way around as they would have us believe. They simply cannot be allowed to intimidate their constituents into silence. Their obligation is to the will and wishes of ALL the people, not just small groups of radicalized activists who support their woke policies and agendas in order to get their own way.

Help us take this fight to Federal Court, because by doing nothing we are complicit in their tyranny and providing them with free reign to arbitrarily rule over us however they see fit, nothing changes unless we all work together and take action. It’s time to put these petty tyrants back in their place!

We’ll do all the leg work and heavy lifting, but we need your help to pull this off. Donations to our legal fund can be made right here on our official GiveSendGo page. We are however well aware that times are tough right now, so if you are unable to help financially we totally understand, but if that’s the case, please at the very least share this lawsuit and message with as many Canadians and on as many SM platforms as you can.

Thank you for your support,
Shaun & Team

Even taking this fundraiser at face value, there are still many unanswered questions. At a minimum, there are 6 serious issues that should be addressed. Before anyone considers contributing, these need answers.

1. Rickard Doesn’t Seem To Understand Jurisdiction

One of the more astute observers on Twitter inquired why such a case would be pursued in Federal Court, when Municipalities are the responsibility of the Provinces.

The Federal Courts are very limited in the kinds of cases they accept, whereas the Provincial Courts will take almost anything. Sections 91 and 92 of the Constitution outline which powers and responsibilities are Federal, and which are Provincial. Section 92 refers to “Exclusive Powers of Provincial Legislatures”. Ultra Vires is a fairly well known concept.

Section 92(8) of the Constitution lists: “Municipal Institutions in the Province”.

Section 92(13): “Property and Civil Rights in the Province”.

Section 92(14): “The Administration of Justice in the Province, including the Constitution, Maintenance, and Organization of Provincial Courts, both of Civil and of Criminal Jurisdiction, and including Procedure in Civil Matters in those Courts.”.

Section 92(16): “Generally all Matters of a merely local or private Nature in the Province”.

This isn’t an issue of the Federal Courts having higher power or more authority. Rather, they’re set up to take on different kinds of cases.

A quick search on the Federal Court of Canada website shows:

Federal Subject Matter

Unlike the Superior Courts established by the provinces, the Federal Court does not have inherent, general jurisdiction. In order for the Federal Court to have authority to hear a given subject matter:

1. that subject matter must be assigned to Parliament under the Constitution; and

2. there must be actual, existing and applicable federal law; and

3. the administration of that law must have been conferred upon the Federal Court.

More specifically, the jurisdiction of the Federal Court is conferred by the Federal Courts Act and, at present, close to a hundred other applicable federal statutes. These give the Court authority to hear and decide cases in a number of broad categories:

  • Administrative Law
  • Aboriginal Law
  • Maritime and Admiralty Law
  • Intellectual Property
  • National Security
  • Citizenship, Immigration and Refugee Law
  • Class Proceedings

Human rights is listed under Administrative Law, under jurisdiction of the Federal Court. But, it’s only in the context of reviewing “actions and decisions of most federal boards, commissions, and administrative tribunals”. This wouldn’t apply here.

Even a 10 second search of jurisdiction of the Federal Court would have come up with this. It’s unclear why such elementary research wasn’t done prior to starting this GiveSendGo.

Would a Federal Court Judge agree to hear such a case anyway? It seems pretty unlikely.

A cynic may wonder if this is a calculated ploy to get such a suit throw out for lack of jurisdiction. There would then be more requests for donations to finance an Appeal.

2. Rickard Doesn’t Spell Out What Potential Lawsuit Would Cover

The GiveSendGo page makes vauge statements about parental rights and freedom of expression. However, no specifics are provided. Prospective donors are then left to guess about what it will entail. This should be a huge warning sign. If these people were serious and genuine about fundraising for public interest litigation, they would have no problems spelling out what it was for.

From the comments of Vincent Gircys, it looks like such a suit is more of an abstraction that anything real. That’s not encouraging.

It doesn’t look like there is even a lawyer ready to go. And rest assured, should one be retained, he or she will bill far more than $50,000

3. Rickard Doesn’t Guarantee Any Lawsuit Will Actually Happen

The third paragraph starts with: “Providing that we are able to garner enough public support….” In other words, even if you take him at face value, he gives no assurances whatsoever that any lawsuit will ever be filed. Yes, the amount set on the GiveSendGo is $50,000, but who’s to say that it won’t suddenly become $100,000? Or $200,000? Or $500,000? The goalposts can always be shifted. And that leads to the next problem.

4. Rickard Doesn’t Give Any Idea When It Would Be Filed

There’s no information provided about a timeline. Yes, the outcome and path of litigation can be nearly impossible to predict. But there’s nothing here about when a Statement of Claim or Notice of Action will be filed. It could be within weeks. It could be months, or years. Or, as mentioned in the previous point, it may never happen at all.

5. Rickard Doesn’t Make Any Assurances Regarding Refunds

Nowhere in the GiveSendGo posting is there any information provided about refunds. Should the litigation never take place, or should it be thrown out on a preliminary challenge, what happens to the money raised? This needs to be addressed.

6. Rickard Currently Grifting With “Travel Mandates Challenge”

This was recently addressed. The Statement of Claim filed by Shaun Rickard and Karl Harrison in 2023 is really just a private lawsuit for damages. People are mislead into thinking it’s a challenge to prevent the return of injection passports for planes and trains. It does nothing of the sort.

Given that they’re not being straightforward with that case, why would anyone believe that this time around will be any different?

After nearly 5 years of endless fundraising, and requests for donations, people should be wising up to this. But that doesn’t seem to be the case. Action4Canada and Vaccine Choice Canada were exposed (among others) and the “industry” hasn’t died. Already, $1,000 has been raised in just a few days.

At some point, it’s hard to feel bad for donors.

People need to do at least some due diligence before handing over money.


2 Replies to “New Proposed Grift Lawsuit Seeks $50,000 To Fight “Wokeness””

  1. First of all, as historical evidence shows clearly, there never was a Charter, a Constitution, or BNA act and the corporate governments at all levels are imposters. There can be no federal court after 1901, and definitely not after George V turned every province loose to be a sovereign nation with a proper consitution and republic form of government. No legislation can ever be assented to for several reasons.

    A new corporation, the United Nations, took over imposter status in 1985, and from there defined Canadians as incorporated individuals, etc. It used public-private partnerships to privatized EVERYTHING and to replace our domestic laws with its internationally-controlled herd of Tribunals, most of which have completely destroyed life in Canada.

    For heaven’s sake, stop discussing these sorts of issues as though there was a Charter, there was a Federal Court, there was anything anybody thinks there is. NOTHING WORKS THE WAY YOU THINK IT DOES. NOTHING THAT YOU THINK EXISTS AS COURT, GOVERNMENT, LEGISLATION EVER EXISTED EXCEPT AS PROPAGANDA WE WERE SUCKERED INTO BELIEVING.

    Get the facts from People-United by emailing from a free protonmail address (more secure). Provide your postal code and ask for the contents released by the researchers…to date that is Series #1, #2 and #3, with #4 to be released by the end of October.

    Once you make the request and are subscribed you will get the next 6 Series, then finally the Solution that has been available to us for 100 years.

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