It’s time to mention it again: the epicentre of “dissident” politics in Canada still doesn’t have even a basic framework in place, despite being launched 5 years ago. There are no governing documents whatsoever to outline how this organization will be managed.
Conveniently, there’s no way to force Bernier out either.
Interestingly, when this fact is pointed out to supporters, they indignantly point to “the platform”. Others may go off on a tirade about how establishment structures invite corruption. Apparently, allegations of the CPC being corrupt — whether true or not — is reason to abolish any sort of internal controls.
Some also point to an online vote following the 2021 Federal election. This doesn’t replace an actual leadership convention, with competing ideas and candidates. Heck, even the Communist Party of Canada is more democratic in structure.
It’s beyond obvious by this point that it was never intended to be any sort of a real party. Instead, this is a money-pit to suck up the cash of otherwise agnostic Canadians. But at $104,000 per year, plus whatever benefits are included, it’s lucrative.
Many theories have been floated as to why this “party” was launched, if there was no goal to make it a viable contender. These include:
(a) Spite and/or revenge
(b) Ego
(c) Grifting
While all are possible, there is another way to look at this. One of the arguments that supporters make is that they can’t stand the “LibCon” establishment. While valid, how does this help? How does forming an imitation of a political party upend things? It doesn’t. If anything, it helps to entrench the status quo by sucking out any energy and money that may have been better used.
But then, this may just be a cynical take.
Remember to donate!
(1) https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/
(2) https://www.bitchute.com/video/48wpxl42BEdK/
(3) https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/maxime-bernier-leadership-party-review-1.6274329
(4) https://www.bitchute.com/video/pFiBwmcHolxk/
(5) https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/peoples-party-canada-maxime-bernier-1.5695908
Why does this sound like a “hit” piece against the PPC?
Note the posted remarks:
Many theories have been floated as to why this “party” was launched, if there was no goal to make it a viable contender. These include:
(a) Spite and/or revenge
(b) Ego
(c) Grifting
While all are possible, there is another way to look at this. One of the arguments that supporters make is that they can’t stand the “LibCon” establishment. While valid, how does this help? How does forming an imitation of a political party upend things? It doesn’t. If anything, it helps to entrench the status quo by sucking out any energy and money that may have been better used.
But then, this may just be a cynical take.
It sounds, to me, like someone doesn’t like competition to the Liberals. Are we hearing this now that Justin and Sophie are separating?
Ronnie doesn’t touch the Liberal, always puts down Maxime Bernier and PPC, he sounds like a Conservative supporter funded by the CPC, he has a book co- author with Jordon Peterson.
This is called an editorial piece; where the subject matter is lacking and an educated person collects and presents facts and asks questions and speculates on some possible conclusions, including denigrating their own conclusion. The only criticism that I may have of this article is, ” has the author attempted to approach Mr Bernier to get clarification”. Conversely, one of Mr Bernier’s supporters should be noticing this post and reaching out to the PPC to contact this author and set matters right….But then , this may just be a cynical take….
I replied last month, Ronnie didn’t post my comment. I only asked him why he compare the 156-year old CPC to the 5-year old PPC; and why did he never have a nice word about PPC?