CV #6: Many Bureaucrats GAVI & Crestview Strategy Lobbied Already Followed Gates

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

CLICK HERE, for #0: Theresa Tam; archives; articles; lobbying.
CLICK HERE, for #1: piece on Bill Gates, Pirbright, depopulation.
CLICK HERE, for #2: Coronavirus research at U of Saskatchewan.
CLICK HERE, for #3: Gates; WHO, ID2020; GAVI; Vaccines.
CLICK HERE, for #4: Gates using proxies to push vaxx agenda.
CLICK HERE, for #5: Crestview Strategy, GAVI’s lobbying firm.

2. GAVI/Crestview Communication Reports

The following bit was covered in the previous piece. There are 20 communications reports on file over the last two years where Crestview Strategy has lobbied the Federal Government on behalf of GAVI, the Global Vaccine Alliance.

Dates of Communications Reports
(1) 2018 March 8
(2) 2018 March 9
(3) 2018 March 9
(4) 2018 October 9
(5) 2018 October 9
(6) 2018 October 9
(7) 2018 October 10
(8) 2018 October 10
(9) 2018 October 10
(10) 2019 June 11
(11) 2019 June 11
(12) 2019 June 11
(13) 2019 June 12
(14) 2019 June 12
(15) 2019 June 12
(16) 2020 January 28
(17) 2020 January 29
(18) 2020 January 29
(19) 2020 January 29
(20) 2020 January 30

No, these aren’t duplications. The registry indicates multiple reports on these dates. Here are screenshots of the actual listings.

These are just the 20 reports that are on file with the Office of the Lobbying Commissioner. It’s fair to assume that there have been many, many more talks that aren’t documented.

These are just the 20 reports that are on file with the Office of the Lobbying Commissioner. It’s fair to assume that there have been many, many more talks that aren’t documented. While that is likely the case, we need evidence to make that conclusion though.

The focus of this article will be on the bureaucrats and politicians themselves who are being lobbied. Who are they, what is their game, and is there any conflict of interest? As will be shown below, many of these politicians and bureaucrats may have already been on board prior to meeting with Gates’ proxies.

It is the next logical step. Crestview Strategy, and their ties to GAVI have been posted, but what about the people they lobbied? What is their take on things?

3. Sumin Lee, PHAC

CLICK HERE, for Sumin Lee’s LinkedIn page.

4. Tammy Bell, PHAC

CLICK HERE, for Tammy Bell’s LinkedIn page.

5. Carol Malko, OIAHP


CLICK HERE, for Carol Malko’s LinkedIn page.

6. Geoffroi Montpetit, Global Affairs

CLICK HERE, for Geoffroi Montpetit’s LinkedIn page.

7. Hanna Button, Global Affairs

CLICK HERE, for Hanna Button’s LinkedIn page.

8. Sabina Saini, Chief Of Staff, Health Canada

CLICK HERE, for Sabini Saini’s LinkedIn page.

9. Raj Saini, MP Kitchener Center

CLICK HERE, for Raj Saini’s Liberal MP website.

10. Javid Dharas, Special Adviser, PMO

CLICK HERE, for Javid Dharas’ LinkedIn page.

11. Sean Phelan, Office Of Official Opposition

CLICK HERE, for Sean Phelan’s LinkedIn page.
Sean’s endorsement letter from Rob Nicholson

12. Elvanee Veeramalay, Stakeholder Rel., OLO

CLICK HERE, for Elvanee Veeamalay’s LinkedIn page.

13. Kathleen Davis, Prime Minister’s Office

CLICK HERE, for Kathleen Davis’ LinkedIn page.

14. Rebecca Caldwell, Director Min. Guilbeault

CLICK HERE, for Rebecca Caldwell’s LinkedIn page.

15. Suzanne Taylor, Global Affairs

CLICK HERE, for Suzanne Taylor’s LinkedIn page.

16. Monique Lugli, CoS, Health Minister

CLICK HERE, for Monique Lugli’s LinkedIn page.

17. Karina Rolland, Office Of Leader Of Opposition

CLICK HERE, for Karina Rolland’s LinkedIn page.

18. Dara Lithwick, Chief Of Staff, Heritage

These are just the 20 reports that are on file with the Office of the Lobbying Commissioner. It’s fair to assume that there have been many, many more talks that aren’t documented.
, for Dara Lithwick’s LinkedIn page.

19. Yanique Williams, Policy Director, SoW

CLICK HERE, for Yanique Williams’ LinkedIn page.

20. Did They Already Support Gates?

Going through the LinkedIn profiles of the bureaucrats whom Crestview Strategy (on behalf of GAVI) have been lobbying, many of them show an interest in Bill Gates, his wife Melinda, or their foundation. It’s worth asking if those profiles have been updated recently to reflect their meetings, or whether they “already” were on board with Gates’ vaccination agenda.

Would be nice to get an answer on this, but we likely never will. So take the above information for what it’s worth.

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